Saturday, January 5, 2008

Cartoon for January 5

Barack Obama says people are tired of the partisan bickering in Washington. Why is that, after Democrats have spent eight years getting the shit beat out of them, it's suddenly time to make nice? Tell you what: let's spend eight years destroying everything the Republicans hold dear. After that, we can bridge the red-blue divide.

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. Exactly! It's especially frustrating that, even though we gave them majority control of the Congress, the Dems still let the Repubs take advantage of the supposed sanctity of "the spirit of bipartisanship," which the Repubs seem to think looks like this:

    Maybe the Dem leaders see it that way too.

  2. I'm with you. Let the libs tell us what they really want to do, tax the hell out of those with wealth and redistribute it to those without. Quit the feel good platitudes like "change" "choice" yadda yadda yadda.

  3. And what was all that Pelosi poppycock about "nude erection"?

  4. But ted - where does it end? Eight years from now, the GOP will turn the tables and re-exact revenge for this revenge.

    It's atittudes like these that led to the war in Kosovo....centuries old grudges.

    Let's think of *productive* ways to win and make progress. Otherwise, it's filibuster-city all over again.

  5. anon,
    1)It never ends. This is not Europe. This is a two party, winner-take-all system.

    2)We need to embrace it if we are not going to change it. We need to be just as hard core as they were.

    3)we also have the right to escalate. because they struck the first blow, now we have the right to eliminate them.

    Also, do you really think Kosovo as a grudge between two unrelenting parties? The Serbs need to realize that the Turks are in Turkey, and could probably still kick their ass. If they are not going to provide the basics of civilization to "Greater Serbia", they need to allow secession. For pete's sake, mother theresa's dad was poisoned by serb secret police over this. Thats probably why she preferred India. Of course, the US should have nothing to do with the solution.

  6. angelo,

    You're no better than the right wing assholes who have put this country through the ringer if you really believe what you posted.

  7. Whoa! Before we put heads on spikes, could we just review what we really want? Unless you really want to brandish Republican entrails in a vaunting dance, you may value the notion that we just want our Congressepeople to act on Constitutional compulsion to impeach executive branch officeholders when there is even the appearance of high crime or treason. If we want to look beyond that (premature as that may be), we may hope that the impeached may be convicted and compelled to restore the gains they have criminally extracted to those victims from whom they extracted them.

    In short, a) let's try these suspects - c'mon! what's the holdup? - to determine the existence and breadth of their crimes, and then b) if they are found guilty they should be proportionately punished (to discourage others from committing similar crimes) and be compelled to restore to the victims their ill-gotten gains.

  8. Owen, John, The rules have been made clear. No one in the Bush administration is getting executed or jailed. If we do not crush and erase them, we are just being defeatist, whiny liberals.

    Hillary and Obama keep meme-ing hard work and bipartisanship, but what does that get done that cannot be undone by the next Bush? Fuck that shit. We need a real wolf in sheep's clothing (like FDR on crack) to create some real, lasting institutional bulwarks against the next 50 years of Reaganite sabotage.
    1)Make the Republican party illegal
    2)Pack the courts with progressives (have you read Scalia's opinions. He makes no secret of his whoredom)
    3)Use the CIA and the military to protect the US from corporate interests
    4)End the "war on terror"
    5)Dismantle half the military
    6)Hire Sweden to design our education and health care systems with no domestic oversight.
    7)Amend the shit out of the constitution so we can more brutally deal with tyrants
    8)abolish electoral college

    Pull out all of the stops while you can. That is the game, my friends. Naturally, it will never happen, and we can expect the 90s all over again, followed by another bout with total insanity. I don't know, Owen; would that be better?

  9. geez, i was kidding with the kosovo need to refute it so soundly. it was supposed to be funny because it's such an absurd analogy. lighten up, dude.

  10. LMAO!
    Anonymous, the thing that killed me about the Kosovo thing was that it was not as the news said "fighting". It was one side raping, maiming and mass murdering the other. Kind of like what the republicans have been doing to the Dems.
