Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cartoon for January 31

Watching Bush's last State of the Union Address (OK, his last scheduled State of the Union Address) made me a tad wistful for the arrogant coup leader who threatened a military coup in 2000, suspended habeas corpus, legalized torture and signed himself the right to declare you an enemy combatant and have you murdered by government agents. Such small-bore initiatives! Such a sad spectacle!

If Bush leaves the public arena as scheduled in January 2009, it is safe to say that political cartoonists shan't see his kind again in our lifetimes. He is what Nixon was to an earlier generation of political satirists: pure gold. Go not gently into that good political night, not-so-gentle fiend!


  1. Actually, Oliver Stone (!) said that, compared to Bush, Nixon was St. Augustine.

  2. Very good indeed. Hope you're hoping for the Hitler Comparison taboo to kick in and stupidly cause assault of the rational, hope results are like surfing.

    These guys get away with it because we're sheep, we're even told this in major religion ceremonies.

    (if not ok to put below on "comments", please cut and I'll run, but I hope you'll be curious enough to look yourself. By the way, I'm the one that ordered (and love)titles inscribed to characters in Robert Mitchum movies. Used to subscribe, a very sensible deal, but have negative money):

    Can't draw but flies, so have done vignettes with stuffed animals opinionating on this period of history, called furry logick (the way Newton spelled it)

  3. "If Bush leaves the public arena as scheduled..."

    What a frightening choice of words!

    I wouldn't worry about a dearth of "gold" material for political cartoonists once Bush leaves office. The man's screwed up the country bad enough that he's left us another 15, 20 years of fodder. Unfortunately we'll be feeling the effects of his administration for many more years to come.

  4. Ted, it will be your job to harp on the ghost of Bush for the rest of your life. Just like it is your job to be one of the few to remember Reagan.

  5. willem von kristolnacht .....excellent.

  6. perhaps because I am an austrian, this cartoon strikes a chord with me. i think it is very important not to think of hitler in terms of an otherwordly devil -> otherwise we won't learn anything about either himself or the many knock-offs that followed.

    the 3rd reich could easily have ended in mediocrity and corruption, pulled down by the sheer idiocy inherent in its criminal system (no matter its "efficiency").

    "Fortunately", it ended in a blaze of fire, which extinguished at least some of the more overt parts of fascism.

    However, it is important to remember that not everybody has the luxury of a complete military defeat to get some distance between themselves and the past crimes of their society (think british empire in india and beyond, french empire in algeria, and indeed, US empire in vietnam, iraq and beyond).



  7. Ted, Yahoo is not running this cartoon.

  8. yahoo is running it now.

  9. "willem von kristolnacht .....excellent."

    As an American expat in the Netherlands, I think I should stick up for my hosts, who do not like to acknowledge any resemblance between themselves and their neighbors to the east.

    I think it should be "Wilhelm von Kristolnacht." "Willem" is the Dutch form of "William," while the Germans use "Wilhelm" (remember the Kaiser?).

    Of course, the Dutch national anthem begins: "I am Wilhelmus of Nassau, of German blood," so make of that what you will.

    BTW, this is the only anthem I know that refers to two other countries in the opening verse, but not to the country whose anthem it is--it ends: "I have always honored the King of Spain" (don't ask; let's just say that, as anthems go, it's no Marseillaise).

  10. Ted, you always have little throwaway gags in your cartoon that are often funnier than the main point of your cartoon (nothing wrong with that either), but "Willem von Kristolnacht?" You have outdone yourself, sir!
