Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cartoon for March 17

Americans like to keep their options open. We don't torture, Bush Administration officials claim. We just like to have the option available. You know, just in case.

I wonder: Does anyone beside Matt Bors and I wake up every day, wondering what the fuck is wrong with a country that thinks it's perfectly OK to torture people?

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. Good point Ted. There should be a law that gives each voter a voucher for a pint of their favorite brewski! Oh yes, and a $4,500. an hour companion, to help ease the pain of haveing to cast a vote for such pitiful choices

  2. "i might vote while i'll i'm there"?

    did you forget to erase part of a bit of previously-differently worded dialogue?

  3. ted, get a proofreader! (or if you already have one, fire him/her and get a better one!)

  4. Fortunately the version that went out to newspapers was fixed in the copyediting process. Just one more example of how, when information is free, you get what you pay for!

  5. You're and Matt aren't the only ones, Ted...

  6. i should also have mentioned that it was a great comic and i wasn't complaining about it, just wondered if maybe it was a reference I wasn't getting.

  7. Add me to your list. So that's three against torture.

  8. Torture is yet another reason not to join the armed forces. So I guess it has an up side...
