Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cartoon for March 6

The Clinton campaign rolled out, and the Obama campaign immediately issued a retort to, what looks likely to become one of the iconic television ads of the 2008 race: an image of a red hotline phone ringing at three in the morning in the White House. Many people have parodied this ad, but my take emphasizes the hilarious implication that troublemakers are so inconsiderate as to spark crises while civilized Americans are trying to catch some shut-eye.

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. That is amazingly funny.

    Yet, are you suggesting that Sen. Obama would freeze the evil doers if it would also freeze gasoline resources? I thought it was all about the oil.

  2. Maybe there should be a vote on who makes the best parody. Would be much more fun than voting for the actual president.

  3. I love your depiction of Obama as the "Hello Kitty" candidate.

  4. Oprah's guy Eckhart, doncha know....

    like, in the "now" or in the "nevah" (the 12th of Nevah).

  5. well, look how long it took for the Perp to wake up while reading My Pet Goat. Talk about your deep sleepers.

  6. Ted:

    I'm disappointed in you; you're usually much better about the peripheral fun facts in your comics.

    Mercury is not tidally locked to the sun; it does not rotate once per orbit.

    Mwercury rotates 3 times every 2 orbits.

  7. Minotaur,

    You're right, of course.

    When I was a kid, I was taught that Mercury rotated once per year; it was later discovered that the ratio was 3 to 2. The only other analogy would be the moon, which rotates once per month relative to the earth, but I didn't think it would work in the cartoon. So I went with old-school Mercury, figuring that astronomically savvy readers would take my once-per-year line as a joke.

    Oh, well.

  8. So I went with old-school Mercury, figuring that astronomically savvy readers would take my once-per-year line as a joke.

    this, no doubt helps to explain the Alpha Centauri Blunder of 2007, where a character in the comic stated it was the closest star.

  9. They just figured out that the oceans would circulate heat to the dark side of the planet if rotation stopped. Rats! Foiled again.

  10. The first two panels adumbrate a disposition toward "lazy & shiftless," a suggestion embedded in the Clinton Campaign telephone spot. Can't we defenestrate that stereotype and its appeal to bigotry?
