Friday, March 21, 2008

Shoutout: Ted Rall Needs a Website Redesign

The person I had in mind to redo this website is totally swamped with other projects and can't do it. Therefore, I am sending this out into the world.

I need someone who can update the 1995-vintage site to something cool and modern without losing its simplicity or functionality.

I can't afford much, but this is a paying job. So this would be a good gig for someone who likes to work with a lot of creative freedom and could use a relatively high-profile reference in his or her online portfolio.

If you or someone you know is interested, please email me at


  1. Ted NOOOOOOOO ! ! ! !

    Leave the website alone (sobs ala Chris Crocker)

    Man, I've been coming to this website since you drew for I like the 1990's feel. I always got pissed whenever a website I used to go to, like yahoo updated itself frequently.

    Eric Margolis and Gwynne Dyer commentator's you have a lot in common with, both have the same websites since the nineties. The design is ok as is, because really Ted, what we come to for is the content. You can look at now; it has a snazzy look, but its content is practically worthless, with few real commentators left.

    Ted, you're website has been consistent, and like a rock, please don't try to fix what isn't broken.



  2. What you do need Ted, is the blog archives for the last two years. They appear to be missing :-)


  3. Agaric Design Collective is also booked probably for the next few months (interested if not settled by then), but we strongly recommend finding someone who can implement it in a world class open source free software content management system such as Drupal.

    Then you're most able to expand into an online store, forum, whatever and whenever inspiration for making money from the site or just making the site better hits.

  4. "If it's not broken, don't fix it." This site is not broken.

  5. What I like about the site is its consistency; whereas "Mother Jones", "Monthly Review", even "the eXile" changed (sometimes slowly) from year to year, you've kept the same site. It reminds me of the Zaporozhets 599 car; they didn't change a thing after 1965, and the car was built until the mid-1990s. Unlike the Zapo, however, your site really moves.

    - Strelnikov

  6. That's about as inviting as asking a writer to get minimal compensation for their work in exchange for exposure ;)

  7. I love your comics and your blog, and your website is just fine the way it is... leave it alone

  8. Don't do it Ted. Don't do it.

  9. Yet another vote for no (or minimal such as more archives) changes.

  10. put the money into buying domains that might get some accidental McCain staffer emails.


  11. Here's another "no" vote for the website update. I've been coming here off and on since the 90s. Also, another "yes" vote for filling in the hole in the blog archives. Other than that, the only thing that could improve it is more content, not more style. It's already cool and modern.
