Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cartoon for March 20

Obama's healthcare plan would only require that parents purchase insurance coverage for their children. In the future, therefore, adults will need fake IDs to pass as kids.

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. Right on, Ted! I have always been annoyed when the Kid Card is played. Don't adults count for anything?

    Jana C.H.
    Saith JcH: At least my feet don't hurt.

  2. Good feint Ted.

    You got trapped on the Pastor Wright thing, so you are attacking Obama on his policy initiatives.


  3. Trapped? How?

    Look, I get things wrong sometimes. Obviously. Not this time, though.

    But I wrote my column BEFORE Obama's speech. Which is why I didn't mention it, but rather his initial statement disavowing Wright.

    In any event, Obama's Big Speech did disavow Wright's statements. So there's really been no change and therefore no traposity.

  4. And where are we poor parents supposed to get the money to pay for this insurance. It's not like I DON'T want to insure my kids for fuck's sake! It rips my heart out everyday that we can't afford to insure our girls and still buy, like food and pay rent and all that superficial stuff.

    I don't mean to sound snarky, but does Obama's plan take this kind of thing into account? A serious question, no snark.

  5. He disavowed Wright's statements but not Wright himself. He reclaimed Wright in his speech and used it to address the issue of race. This didn't put medicine in any poor person's dispenser but it did make him look good compared to the youtubed pastor. With image being king in the modern electoral process, Obama scored another victory by the rules through simply looking (and sounding) good.

    He didn't have to moe any muscle except that of his jaw; as opposed to something more useful like his wrist; to sign some useful legislation into law.


  6. Making sure all children are covered is an essential first step and better than not getting anything done. As these children who will be fully covered grow up, they will not only be healthier throughout their lives for having childhood coverage which will reduce medical issues (and costs), but they will have an attitude that is less hostile toward expanding health care for all.

    I just think this issue is a really hard sell, Ted, and a bit of a red herring. Look at the massive ground beef recalls going on; 2007 had triple the major recalls of the previous years, but which one really led to fundamental questioning? The one involving Hallmark...because they provided schools with ground beef.

    Aside from the reality that we feed our school children utter garbage, the 'kid card' is always a powerful political thing. SCHIP, childrens health insurance of any kind is a situation you can rally behind because peoples' bigotries general extend to other adults, not to children so much. Therefore the GOP tactic of denying health care and expecting their troops to step in line to defend the decision doesn't work.

    I support an insistence that all children are covered as a first step, because it demands that republicans toe the line and come out against children, exposing them for who they truly are....animals that ought to be fed into the Hallmark kill floor like downer dairy cattle.

  7. I don't get it. Adults and kids are both eligible for ObamaCare, neither can be turned down, and the insurance isn't free for either of them. The only difference is that parents HAVE to insure their kids, whereas it's optional for adults. Yeah, I personally would prefer it be mandatory for everyone, or a single payer plan, but since any adult who wants in merely has to enroll, the cartoon doesn't make sense to me.

  8. The guys who came up with the senate, did it to make sure nothing got done quickly. It is a bad place to start for a president.

  9. Aggie-- I didn't say using kids as the nose of the camel isn't good tactics. It often is. But it still annoys me.

