Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cartoon for May 12

John McCain owes more than his belly to beer.


  1. Saw McCain on Jon Stewart.
    He is completely confident that success in Iraq is a matter of simply kicking more ass! I am totally voting for him. No more half baked depressions. No more band aids. Lets go all he way. We might even get the draft back!

  2. Say what you will, Cindy McCain is a hot little number, at least by the standards of political wives.

    Michelle Obama, while less attractive, seems smarter and she's certainly more of a straight-shooter than he is.

    I never saw the appeal of Kucinich's trophy wife. Everybody kept yakking about how beautiful she was, but personally I say she looks like someone you'd pick up at a casino in Monaco. Plus she speaks with an accent. Dennis had all this progressive cred, and he can't find himself a good corn-fed, chesty American chick? C'mon, Cleveland!


  4. Mrs Kucinich = Mrs. Vargas See Fast Times at Ridgemont high for clarification.

  5. It's always a good time to point out that Cindy McCain is a HOMEWRECKING WHORE!

  6. Isn't it the Coors fortune?

  7. Damn right, Ted. Cleaning the toilet is a woman's job. What a fucking pussy.

  8. Screw Mrs. McCain. I say we Swift Boat the SOB. Somthing like: "John McCain dishonored Vets. He stood by while a two time purple heart winner was spit on by a bunch of collage frat boys." LOL! That'd be great. Too bad Obama lacks a sense a humor.

  9. This is another case of Ted deciding what's good for the goose is good for the gander. The John Kerry reference should underline that.

  10. Is Cindy McCain really that irritable? Maybe he should set her up with another Red Cross gig with all that "free" vicodin.

  11. Speaking of Disabled Veterans, see what happened to Max Cleland, John Kerry, Chesty Puller (yes, Chesty. read his 1962 bio and see how the big boys in the military screwed him for speaking out) and double-amputee, Tammy Duckworth. Y'see, folks, this wasn't a huge thought until very recently, when George W. Bush confessed that he gave up golf five years ago, because "how would Americans see him if he played golf while our troops were dying overseas?" Well, does anyone remember Bush saying, "Now watch this drive?" And "I don't let my work interfere with my personal life." So, fellow 'Mericans, we are witnessing the new, improved spin on the Bush legacy and additional rewriting of historical fact by the Bush administration. They didn't say what we heard and read. No, they said what they are saying they said TODAY. We just weren't paying good enough attention. Actually, George W. Bush gave up golf because killing thousands and thousands of people was a hell of a lot more fun, and he doesn't have to keep score. As Dick 'DICK' Cheney put it so well, "So?"
    John McCain canNOT life his arms above his shoulders, by the way. Like Bob Dole couldn't move his arm with the pencil glued to his hand. Of course, being politicians of the Republican stripe, Dole and McCain did a whole lot better after coming home than your average Disabled Veteran. Goodnight, Chesty, wherever you are.

  12. So.... Cheney is just gonna walk away from all this?? Hmmmmm....

  13. For those who cheerlead for our troops to "Go all the way," whether they've already been in military service/combat or just armchair warriors, please, don't let our young people go by themselves. Offer your older bodies to George W. Bush's Crusade in Iraq, Afghanistan and maybe Iran. This would also apply to John McCain's idea to continue Bush's Criminal Crusade.
    Item in today's news: Scientists test "ironman" suit for future super soldiers. Right! HELLOOOO! Our enemies BLOW UP HUMVEES AND TANKS AND ENTIRE BUILDINGS AND MARKETS. What makes anyone think an armored suit will protect a soldier from the blast? We throw more good money after bad, people keep dying, and the war profiteers continue to make windfall profits on DEATH and DESTRUCTION.
    During WWII, before Harry Truman became President, he fought and eliminated a large amount of waste and corruption in military contracts and spending. So, once Truman was gone, everyone went back to the way things were before. Like Dick Cheney and Halliburton. Do these PRICKS even have a heart? They are beyond contempt.
