Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cartoon for May 8

What the hell is going on with voters?


  1. Maybe you don't know your own country -men that well.

    I chalk the weirdness of North American politics to 60+ years of suburbistan. Two generations have grown up with no regular, physical interaction with real urban poverty.
    Isolation like that is bound to screw up your political compass.


  2. works_for_a_republicanMay 8, 2008 at 3:50 AM

    When there are inadequate significant distinctions in policy, people have to choose by insignificant distinctions.

    There are four or five areas of significance:
    --the war
    --the economy
    --health care
    --restoring Constitutional governance
    --restoring environmental protections

    All three candidates have voted for the war every chance they had (or took.)

    None are suggesting health care equivalent to that in first-world countries (or even equivalent to their own as members of Congress)

    Restoration of Constitutional governance? Don't even start; the candidates haven't.

    And so on. So what's available for deciding between them? Minutiae like bowling scores or boilermakers. Dreck.

  3. I agree completely with WFAR, the candidates and the media are unwilling to address real issues, it's all just a bunch of garbage, even in "debates." Any candidate of substance (Edwards, Kucinich, Paul) is scraped off the turd of 'mainstream' candidates.

    Take the fuss over Guiliani and Thompson early on....completely substanceless, as were huckleberry and Mittbot2008 (do I have to cite you for using that term, Ted? I don't know if you copyrighted that).

    We don't have any real choices here, the problem is systemic and catastrophic.

    Even "Uncle Tom" Friedman is getting a clue about this . . . albeit 10 years too late as usual.

    This started out being the first election I have ever enjoyed being a part of, now it's just a pathetic disappointment and we all know how it's going to end.

    And don't think that 2012 will be a shoe-in for Democrats....they should have disbanded in 2002. This is about status quo.

  4. > they should have disbanded in 2002

    man, I can't wait! then maybe there will be an actual anti-repub party.

  5. I feel the most important aspect of the next president is the willingness to communicate more with other countries.

    Obama is the only one who at least says he will. His votes to continue funding the war are probably just politics, i.e. making sure the media and republicans don't bring it up to make him look like he "hates the troops." It's disappointing, but it's the best we have. McCain and Hillary are just following the Bush doctrine of calling other countries evil and not communicating with them at all.

  6. Voting to continue the war for "politics" is upholding a condemnation of thousands of people to death. Obama can talk about his willingness to "communicate" all he wants, but at the end of the day he's still going to tow the hawk line. Intervention in Pakistan, anyone?

    A man afraid enough of the smear machine(that's still going to smear him mercilessly) to vote to continue a meaningless war is scum. Unless he's drinking the Kool-Aid too, he's even worse than the Republicans who did it out of their ignorance and blindness.

  7. *Intervention in Pakistan?*

    What's that B.S remark mean you anonymous coward?


  8. he's even worse than the Republicans who did it out of their ignorance and blindness

    Wow.....that's what white bigots in the south say about about white people who refuse to be bigots ("n" lova is apparently no longer PC, even for them).

  9. When there are inadequate significant distinctions in policy, people have to choose by insignificant distinctions.

    But they can't even do that right!

    These "people" are scared shitless of things like socialized medicine and terrorism. They are not intelligent. They are not even self interested. They are sheep.
