Monday, June 29, 2009

ANIMATION: The Asterisk president

I think this one is the best ever. It's a riff on the static cartoon I did recently. What do you think?


  1. *

    * comment to be posted later

  2. I liked some of the other ones better...

  3. What makes that one especially worrisome is that every speck of it is true.

  4. Aha! The disclaimer, aka the old signing statement, also known as "sorry, sucker!".

  5. Way funnier than the last one!

  6. I love how you used Michelle in the last comic as a foil.

    This cartoon could have started out with Obama pulling an asterisk at home with Michelle. Then cut to them later, Michelle can't sleep, so she turns on the TV. Then your animation proceeds as it is cut now.
    At the end, cut back to the Obamas in bed. Michelle looks at Obama sleeping next to her, then looks down, and tiredly clicks the remote.

  7. I don't get it. Is the technical awfulness of the animations what's meant to make them funny?

  8. Yes, this is the best I've seen yet.

    Might want to have the voice actors enunciate a little more clearly, or maybe I'm just going deaf. The pacing was fine.

    The point where some viewers are going "huh? what just happened?" is when it's the right speed. That means other people aren't getting bored any more.

  9. "is the technical awfulness of the animations what's meant to make them funny?"

    technical awfulness compared to what?

  10. compared to any other animation that's given any serious attention.......ha pick one because rall's are at the bottom of the list.

  11. Loved it... hysterical.

    The guy getting over-powered for his gay vote is SO thug. Total TOTUS, pure Obama.

    The voiceovers should be crisp & clear... had a little trouble understanding the audio.
