Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Animation Mocks Credit Cards

This one was inspired by Obama's lame-ass credit card bill of rights, in which the credit card companies promised to sort of reduce their maximum interest rate from 41 percent (strange but true, that's how high it can go). It does require having seen those old American Express ads, though.


  1. I hate to sound like a geezer here, but isn't it possible to just not get additional credit cards? I have a card through my credit union, and that's it. At one time I had a business Amex.

    Very straight forward, never been f*cked (knock on wood), they are even exceptional about eliminating charges if the card is stolen, which mine was a year or two back.

    Yes, these are disgusting, so are loan sharks and payday advance places. I don't recall ever reading your proposals for solving this problem, Ted, have you written about it before?

  2. I'm just a critic and not a paid one but that's really more sarcastic than funny. You have definitely been funnier. The gag was a bit stretched to fit the overall theme of the old Amex commercials and the juxtaposition with the guy cussing in the back was funny ha but not ha ha.


  3. True story: Post-bill of rights, I got a letter from my Chase credit card (formerly WaMu, never a problem) saying my interest rate was going up about 5 points. They told me I could opt out of it, which gave me hope (oh how that word makes me cringe now) until I read further and saw what I had to do to "opt out": I have to cancel my card and I will no longer be able to use it but will still be responsible for the balance. Thanks, Uh-bama!

    Your animations are getting better, but did you have to use the tired Cletus-voiced stereotype of the ugly white trash American? Would you dare have a black guy speaking in ebonics? Do it next time, please.

  4. end credit music from what band?

    any one?

  5. Reverend, I wonder the same thing about Ted's military torturers: they're all white dudes. Given the gender/racial composition of the US Army and Lynddie England's case, and lacking the evidence of those photos, I think he should be more inclusive in the portrayal of the tax-feeders running the horror show at a detention center far from you.

  6. HAW! HAW! HAW! That is one funny toon! I almost thought the American tourist husband was ME! It talk just like that when shit goes down.

  7. HILARIOUS! I really dig the voices!

  8. "end credit music from what band?"

    The Flying Lizards.
