Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cartoon for June 22, 2009

The Congressional Budget Office finds that only 16 million out of the 47 million Americans who are uninsured would be insured under Obama's overpriced healthcare plan. Typical Obama: It's expensive, complicated, and doesn't even promise to work for many people. Awe-some.


  1. There are not 47 million uninsured Americans. There are an estimated 47 million people living in America that are uninsured. Take out an estimated 12 million illegal aliens.

  2. So, only 35 million uninsured Americans, is that what Ted's upset about? Some people are never satisfied.

  3. Wow what a great age we live in where your treatment is dependent upon national identity.

  4. I'm still laughing about "Obamaman, the Somewhat Superhero who partly mitigates Disaster". Heeheehee

  5. Wow what a great age we live in where your treatment is dependent upon national identity.
    I don't mind treating illegal aliens as long as their country of origin pays the bill, and they are deported after they are treated.

  6. Latinos are way more cool than most white people. Bring 'em on I say. Good luck stopping them in any case.
