Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cartoon for June 4, 2009

Let's hope murderers bent on vengeance don't become more thorough.


  1. Randall Terry is a seriously fucked up individual.

    On the other hand, he is honest about what he wants: an Old Testament theocracy. He makes Limbaugh look like Bill Ayers in comparison.

  2. I'm curious Ted, what did the kid next to the CEO do? You left out his word box. I bet he set fire to some ants with his magnifying glass.

  3. Hey Ted!

    where was our swat team? where were OUR wierd-clad gunnuts!?

    draw me a picture with normal civilian normal milita normal gmanwanabies breaking in and SAVing our ass from the obamosamoosamoleftfacsolwelfarestatics deralactable.

    that would be cool!!

  4. Where is Janet Reno when you need her? Probably spawning a satanic love child with Dick Cheney. We need a Waco-style BATF siege of every nut job evangelical church where someone preaches this hate speech, which leads to violence actually. Christians CONSTANTLY say that they are being persecuted by secularist, maybe it's time we really do persecute them?

    In their defense, they believe that anyone who believes in pro choice is a mass murderer, just like animal rights activists believe about anybody who eats meat, and just like anarchists believe about multinational corporations whose behaviors often equate to the perpetuation of violence on populations for the purpose of expanding material wealth for a small few in the world.

    It's not really pleasant to recognize that objectively examining all of these extreme positions demonstrates that they all have a similar MO, and that is a faith in their righteousness that is so strong that anybody who gets hurt as a result of their actions is simply collateral damage in a righteous war. Sound familiar?

  5. A jarring image -- are the CEO and his kid hovering in mid-air? Painted on the wall? Tight-rope walking on the Caution tape?

  6. Sorry for the late comment. This comic is why I will always read you, and show you to everyone I know.

  7. Germany, Netherlands, Canada etc. have a lower abortion rate than the US.
    Remember this when talking to pro-lifers.

  8. Angelo, the type of people who are "pro life" in America don't generally know where those countries are, let alone acknowledge that anything they do could deliver superior results to the United States. I have never met a pro lifer who isn't stereotypically consistent with their Republican straight ticket views. They can talk a good game about how these are their beliefs and convictions and all, but the reality is that they don't have genuine motives, otherwise they would take the time to be more consistent.

  9. Hey Aggie, maybe you should try getting out more and meet some pro-life Democrats.

  10. If only you leftists could get this pissed off at Islamic Militants.

  11. No One of ConsequenceJune 8, 2009 at 5:40 AM

    If only you rightwingers would stop funding Islamic militants. And learn how capitalization works.

  12. If only you rightwingers would stop funding Islamic militants. And learn how capitalization works.

    What right-wingers are funding Islamic militants? Learn how to use hyphenation, "works" and "and" properly.

  13. No One of ConsequenceJune 11, 2009 at 11:41 PM


    First hit on google.

    . . . And it is perfectly legitimate to begin a sentence with "and" outside of certain formal papers. Further "rightwinger" needs no hyphen. Your attempt at a retort was as pathetic as your politics is vile.

  14. "First hit on google." Incomplete sentence.

    "Further "rightwinger" needs no hyphen." You mean "further more,".

    "Your attempt at a retort was as pathetic as your politics is vile."
    You mean "are" vile.

    I lost 50 IQ points debating this. Now if you'd like to post something we have an actual conservation about, give it try.

  15. There should be an automatic deletion of anyone trying to win a debate by criticizing someone's grammar.
