Tuesday, October 21, 2003

The Curious Tale of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad

As the Administration's tangled web of Iraq war lies unravels, today's government-sourced report that Al Qaeda official/CIA prisoner Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, doubtlessly hanging upside down in some stinking cell somewhere in South Asia minus a substantial amount of blood, murdered Wall Street Journal Danny Pearl surely rates a mention for the questions that it provokes.


Since when is the CIA authorized to hold prisoners? Why hasn't Mohammad, if he was really involved in planning 9/11, been charged in a US court? Why not a military tribunal? What about the extreme likelihood that the US government is torturing the poor bastard? Or are we no longer a nation of laws?


Could it be that the Bushies, unable to lay their greasy paws on Osama or Saddam, have decided to inflate the purported importance of the second-tier Al Qaeda prisoner they DID manage to snare?

For all we know, the very same guy who planned 9/11 for Osama is the same guy who slit Danny Pearl's throat. Who knows? Anything's possible. But that's the point: we don't know what's going on because our government, paid by our taxes, refuses to tell us.

This ain't America, folks. What it is, I'm not sure I wanna know.

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