Thursday, October 9, 2003

My favorite e-mail from today comes from "Sam in L.A.", who shares the following with us:

You leftwingers are idiots. All of us to the right of you are richer than you, so our political campaigns crankout more propaganda than yours no matter how much yours crank out. You don’t even realize we divert your attention over to other policy matters so you won’t notice us cranking out so much campaign propaganda that the voters give us the majority of the political offices.

Therefore, our government policies will always be so widespread that you are marginalized (even if you stop us from getting the media controlled by people who are too rich to care about how much campaign propaganda we crank out, and even if you stop us from giving big campaign contributions to campaigns and getting the government policies we want in return.)

Thank you for making your so-called clean money campaign finance reforms voluntary, so our campaigns can still outspend yours by as much as they want to. In other words, thank you for letting our campaigns continue to crank out more propaganda than yours no matter how much yours crank out.

Goodbye doddering old Senator Strom Thurmond. Hello California Governor Arnold the Groper. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!….

Aside from the "left-winger" jibe (hey, I'm a moderate, it's the country that's gone over the Niagara Falls of ultra-conservatism/Bushite proto-fascism...and I may be an idiot, God knows I feel like one whenever I see people like Ann Coulter raking in the cash while I sit in my tiny apartment), Sam's pretty much spot-on. The right will always have more money than the left, and making campaign finance reform voluntary is like any other regulation that's voluntary--on the environment, labor rights, you name it--utterly worthless.

On the other hand, Democrats/liberals/progressives are an overwhelming majority in this country. The irony is that this majority has been hoodwinked by hundreds of millions of advertising dollars into supporting politicians and programs that work against the interests of the nation as a whole and against them personally. The duty of those of us smart enough to realize that rich people don't give a damn about the rest of us is to show them that that's so. That's the purpose of the book I'm currently writing; more on that later.

By the way, I'm having a hard time being bummed about Arnold Schwarzenegger's victory in California. To hear my Democratic friends tell it, this is just as bad as Florida 2000, but no--it ain't. Arnold worked within the system; if Californians don't like the recall provision in their state constitution they ought to get rid of it. Isn't that what their referendum system is for? Bush, on the other hand, overturned the system, broke the rules, violated the state and federal constitution, stuffed ballot boxes, dispatched violent goons to intimidate officials conducting a recount. Hardly the same thing, though it's icky to see that pig George Schultz joining Arnold's transition team.

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