Thursday, October 9, 2003

Piehole Quote o' the Day

From a wire service story about Generalissimo El Busho's current PR initiative to convince us that Everything Does Not So Suck As Much As You Think:

Bush rejected criticism that progress is too slow in Iraq, saying Americans are not hearing the real story. "It's a lot better than you probably think," the president said, adding that people who have been in Iraq are stunned by the stories at home.

He said schools and hospitals are reopening, children are getting immunizations and water and electricity are coming back. "Life is getting better," he said.

"People who have been in Iraq." Funny, I was under the impression that the reporters who write about the Iraqi Resistance killing one of our soldiers every day, Shiites rioting in the streets after we arrested one of their clerics, people going months without electricity or running water and get quote after quote from locals saying that things were better under Saddam and that they hate our guts...I thought they were in Iraq too. And they're probably spending a bit more time, and seeing a little more reality, than Bush's henchmen like Donald Rumsfeld, as he breezes in and out of fortified American cantonments.

Occupiers always lead the press to showcases like new schools and prisons where the inmates have blankets (today, anyway). Stupid though many reporters may be, they're smart enough to see through such efforts in occupied Iraq. If the United States doesn't want to be seen as a neocolonialist occupation form out to exploit Iraq's oil, it shouldn't have invaded in the first place. And now it needs to get out.

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