Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Oh, the Irony

From today's Associated Press:

On Wednesday, [North Korea] branded as "a laughing matter" Bush's offer of a written pledge from five countries not to attack if the communist nation scraps its nuclear weapons program.

En route to Australia, Bush reacted to Pyongyang's dismissal with a shrug. "This requires a degree of patience," Bush said during a 35-minute session with reporters aboard Air Force One. "Kim Jong Il is used to being able to deal unilaterally with the United States. The change in policy is that he must deal now with a number of nations."

"He has been saying he wants a security guarantee. We're all willing to sign some sort of document — not a treaty — that says `we won't attack you.' But he needs to abandon his nuclear program and do so in a verifiable way."

"A degree of patience"? For a country that has nukes and has threatened to turn the West Coast of the United States into a feiry, irradiated pit?

Iraq, of course, didn't have nukes. Didn't threaten the U.S. Wasn't a danger to all. Which is why we attacked. Because, in the end, Bush is every bit as much of a goddamned coward as he was when he ducked the draft back in 1972.

An aside: Some conservatives have written me to ask why lefties--the term should be retired in favor of "people who can both read AND think"--didn't hold Clinton accountable for his draft-dodging the way we're all over Bush for his. Here's the answer:

Because, dumbasses, Clinton dodged the draft for a war he was against. Bush dodged a draft he was for. It's called hypocrisy.

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