Saturday, October 11, 2003

Why I Don't Cover Everything

Some readers of my cartoons and essays may wonder why I haven't jumped on the scandal invoving the despicable outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson by conservative pundit Robert Novak. Here's the answer:

I'm not very interested in discussing issues that are being extensively, and accurately, covered elsewhere. Unless I have a new angle to add to a discussion, I figure it makes more sense for me to work on the stories and issues being neglected by the rest of the media. It's more fun for me, it's better for the world, and I hope it makes better reading.

If and when I have something to add to the Wilson story, I'll chime in. In the meantime, I'll pretty much agree with those who say that the Democrats are exagerrating the damage, Republicans are understating the treasonous nature of those who planned it (hi Karl!) and that this Administration has as much intention of getting to the bottom of this as it does about 9/11.

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