Saturday, May 8, 2004

Cool Mail

I received some great email from readers during last week's Tillman hubbub, and wanted to share it with you. Here's a small sample of the more than 4,000 positive emails I ultimately received. These people deserve anonymity from the right-wing blogger freaks, and so they shall have it from me.

I just read through your selection of emails concerning the death of Mr. Pat Tillman.

My thoughts on his death mirrored what you described in your cartoon even before reading what you had created. My opinion at the time was that the right wing morons and mainstream press, including ESPN would make this idiot out to be the greatest hero since Audie Murphy. And they did, while totally ignoring the 700 or more other soldiers killed in the Middle East. To top it all off when Nightline dicided to honor the soldiers Ted Koppel was made out to be a traitor!

Having read some of the thought provoking missives from your fellow countrymen; who make up roughly 50% of the population, I find that I am more worried about Bush and his followers than I am of any terrorist. The odds of Bin Laden or some other Arab striking me is quite remote, but the odds of Bush and his crew causing great harm to my freedom and my way of life is exactly at 50%, plus or minus 3%.

Keep up the good work.

Yo Ted! I've seen you on Bill Maher's HBO show, and I have enjoyed your

work on the (Washington DC) City Paper for years. Great stuff, always!

The writing is vicious (like I like it) and funny as hell, and your

drawing style is raw, but stylized, and I dig it immensely.

I was just checking out your blog, and the emails you've gotten from

the angry right-wingers. Some of those are hilarious, or WOULD be, if

they weren't so scary! How can people be so freakin' misguided? I am no

Noam Chomsky, but I am somewhat literate and educated. These people, on

the other hand, are just out of their minds!

Is this how life is going to be in Bush's "post-9/11-era", life in

complete and utter denial, an absolute refusal to even GLANCE at what

is really going on? Thanks so much, Ted, for having the nerve, the

guts, the balls to speak up!

We know you are getting a lot of heat for the Tillman cartoon, but please know that some of us understand the purpose of political commentary and completely agree that the HERO label now means nothing. From the thinking half of the American public, keep up the good work!

Thank you for saying what many of us know and try to say, but can't, due to

censorship. In particular, your column of May 4, 2004 was excellent. In

fact, America HAS committed genocide, but the American people have been

indoctrinated into dismissing as "Marxist lies" any and all evidence of

American war crimes.

Keep up the good work, Ted.

I think you cartoon about Tillman was disturbingly accurate. Keep up the

good work.

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