Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Kerry's Vice President

Among the more outlandish options floated recently for the veep spot on the Democratic ticket are John McCain and Ralph Nader. The McCain thing, I think it's safe to guess, ain't gonna happen. There hasn't been a party crossover ticket in more than fifteen decades, and a year when the electorate is polarized won't see the second. Choosing a conservative, pro-life Republican as vice president would alienate the liberal base, driving many to stay away from the polls or vote for Nader. I myself would retract my longstanding pledge to vote for the Democratic nominee since a McCain veep could become a Republican president. The Democratic Party, as I've written in my new book WAKE UP, YOU'RE LIBERAL: HOW WE CAN TAKE AMERICA BACK FROM THE RIGHT, needs to get back to its roots, not trash them entirely.

I don't think much will come out of the Nader talk, but I think he'd be a brilliant choice--one that might lock up the election once and for all. A Nader VP would energize the liberal base like nothing else, neutralize a spoiler threat and infuse vibrant new ideas into the ossified Democratic Party political machine. Nader could become Kerry's Cheney--the power behind the throne, the guy's who's always thinking new stuff up.

My money's still on John Edwards or Bob Graham, though--and either of them would be just dandy.

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