Monday, May 17, 2004

More Hate Mail Hits!

After appearing on Fox News' "Heartland with John Kasich" to discuss that Seattle group's "Victory to the Iraqi Resistance" sign," I received the following colorful missives. I post these for the benefit of those who want to know how the average Bush voter thinks (and spells). Too bad we can't get inside these mucked-up brains and install a logic chip.


Re: Ted Ralls needs to go live in france, you damn trader


you have cross the line, from being a low down jerk, to a trader, why dont

you go live in a country that does not have the bill of rights, our

president Bush did sell the war on terror, You like so many others have

forgotten 9/11. if you dont like the way we live, dont like our president,

go live there. You pop your mouth off, to hell with you. Have you ever

thought what might have happened if Gore or Kerry where in the white house.

thats scarey

J.L. Brown Jr, TSgt, USAF Retired

Not as scary as your IQ, dude. France has a Bill of Rights--ours is modeled on theirs, in fact. And if Gore, Kerry or the Easter Rabbit were president on 9/11, I can't imagine that they could have screwed things up any worse.


I hope you die a miserable death you piece of shit, I will piss on your grave


I hope when the terrorist hit here again your family is killed.

Fuck you.


Just saw your ugly puss on Fox-News.

I'd like to give you a one-way ticket to Iraq.

WE are fighting for our lives. Your life isn't worth saving.

T^ake a hike you fool.


An American from Clifton Park, New York.

That's New York as in target for 9-11 terrorists

Yeah, like the suburban hamlet of Clifton Park is target #1 for jihadis.


You are one sick puke!


momas got a queer boy


Mr. Rall,

After reading your guidelines I will be surprised that you have the testosterone to respond.

Please feel free to call our even come and visit me I will send you my home address. I will share with you the exploits of my Grandfathers in WWI or may Dad’s adventures in WWII and Korea, my twenty plus years of service, or may talk about my son driving the 6th tank in top Baghdad. Maybe you can enlighten a family of Idiots and saps. You are so brave by drawing cartoons. Why don’t you go to Iraq and put your ass on the line I will even go to protect you. Gimmie a call

If not I will use my First amendment rights to say,

“FUCK YOU” you traitorous prick.

David E. Steward Jr.


(909) XXX-XXXX Office

(909) XXX-XXXX Cell

(802) XXX-XXXX Fax


Teddy, your double talk regarding supporting the Insurgents and Terrorist but not wanting to kill America GIs is not going to cut it with the boys when they come home. You might want to move to France or Russia. If you sir are not aiding the enemy then no one is. YOU will be remembered forever as a Traitor. Why do you stay in America??

Yeah, like living in France would be so terrible.



Savannah, Tennessee

Dear Ted:

RE: Your recent controversial cartoon and column about former NFL player Pat Tillman

Something you need to know about the American special forces community is that they are very loyal to each other. When you insult them as a group it really doesn't faze them much. But when you intentionally attack one of their dead comrades you cross a lethal line.

I served in the 1st Marine Division in Vietnam. I am not a special forces veteran nor a hero. But I have worked with the SF community enough to know them. And all I can say is I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when Tillman's buddies start coming home.

Now that would be scary enough but then you write a column headlined: "Army of Scum."

You see Ted, I knew kids like you when I was growing up. They would stand in their front yard and taunt you and everybody else until you got mad and came toward them. Then they would run into their house and lock the door. They would hope that by the time you saw them again you would have forgotten about it or had better things to do than retaliate against them--and they were usually right.

But this time Ted you have insulted a whole sub-culture of millions, of whom a sizable number aren't going to forget. You would have been wiser to insult the Hell's Angels than the Rangers. Rangers are crazier than bats. I am a non-violent person and I hope no harm comes to you. But if it does, it will be your own fault, you silly little fool.

B. Silliman

Yeah, you sure sound like Gandhi.


You know, of course, that you are a piece of human excrement.

Bill Short

Caulfield, Missouri

Of course!


It's you see-it-only-one-way, woe-is-me, constantly bitching and moaning

Leftists, or better put another way, you floating turds in the stool that

are flushing this country down the drain. There.....

instead of putting that in your pipe and smoking it, put that in your comic

strip and let the whole world see your real shitty talent! Mr. Chuck Sierra

in Seattle....


was just watching your interview on fox...the single question I have is do you work at it,or does it come natural like to be a true total it true the dog beat your daddy over the fence?....

If anybody understands this reference, please write. I did not grow up on a farm.




U R one worthless piece of shit


You belong in Iran... You piece of shit!

I do hope you loose your deal


Defending ones country is not restricted to its immediate borders. You are clearly obtuse, misguided, and narrow minded in your understanding of human behavior and world history.

Your Pat Tillman cartoon, and your defense of it, is a vile indication of that.

I will no long purchase any of the publications you are affiliated with,



I wonder if this person purchases ANY publications?


Re: Blacklisted

That's what you are!


Atlanta, Georgia


Thank god a wimp like you is not charged with defending this country. I bet you got bullied around when you were in school, huh? I bet your inferiority complex prevents you from talking to chics huh? I am so sorry that your little ego was hurt permanently by bullies and turned you into this pathetic wimp. I am so very sorry you trash those (i.e. Pat Tillman) who defend your write to have your itty bitty cartoons. Please please...for the love of god....get a life and become a man.....SOON!!

My Deepest Sympathy,


Not only did I talk to Chic, I also owned some of the records.


Dear Mr. Rall,

I read your guidelines before e-mailing you. I can understand where you might have gotten some hate mail after everything you've written, especially about Pat Tillman. In keeping with your guidelines I will try to keep my criticism constructive and give you credit where credit is due. From your recent appearances on Fox and the picture in your bio you appear to be human. That's positive. That your political opinions are so bizarre and contravene every fact known to terrestial life is both positive and negative. It's positive in that you are proof of extra-terrestial life, your opinions being completely out of this world as you might therefore be. That would be very good in that we have searched extensively for extra-terrestail life. It's negative, however, in that we assumed extra-terrestials would be more intelligent than us. You are a serious disappointment in that regard. Your assimilation programming should have included some rudimentary logic, some ability, even a modicum, to distinguish reality from your twisted leftist imaginigs.

I guess the constructive part of my criticism would be to attend some philosophy courses that would teach some rudimentary logic. As long as you want to put words in the mouths of those you satirize perhaps you should study some source references. I recommend the Geneva Conventions for starters. Do you see where in that document it talks about terrorists? If not, why not? Perhaps no one thought of terrorists as combatants, relying as they do on perfidy to approach their target: innocent civilians, which the Conventions specifically abjure against deliberate targeting. If they are using illegitimate means (perfidy) to deliberately target the innocent, perhaps what they are doing could be characterized as illegal under the Law of Armed Conflict? If they are under arms they'd have to be combatants of a sort, don't you think? Maybe then we could characterize them as "illegal combatants?" Doesn't that sound descriptive of what they are? Is there something about this that escapes you, something that you don't understand? If they are combatants, albeit illegal, do you think we should just treat them like criminals perhaps? Should we accord them rights, like the presumption of innocence, legal representation, trial by peers? If we can't prove a capital case beyond a shadow of a doubt, should we release them in the hope that they will slip up on their fourth or fifth attempt perhaps? Should we just hope that they'll slip enough to provide sufficient evidence for conviction? Should we maybe pray that our civilization will survive long enough to gather this evidence and provide a court in which to hold the trial?

What is the name of the planet you are from? Are you accepting donations for a return trip?

God--I love this email. All I'll add is: The Geneva Conventions don't specifically mention 9/11 either. So what?


You are an over inflated horses ass!

Please, my kingdom for a sharp needle>


as a mother of an american soldier who joined after 911 i find u an very

offensive person i dare u to come to nyc and to ground zero and say the shit

u say in fact i find u very unamerican but then look at u u look like a geek

u act like a geek so why should anyone listen to u or even take a pussy

liike u serious no wonder u made the unpopular list u mentions hundreds who

opposed the war u forgot to mention the millions who support the war and i

will write to oreilly calling for a boycott on u asshole move to canada

that where a coward like u belong


You are a big piece of shit!



You're a lunatic! We're at WAR, man! And you have no sense of common human decency to say such things about Tillman and others who have given their lives -- which is more than you'd ever be willing to do for the country you supposedly love.

If you think Pakistan, Saudi, and Egypt are the targets we should have hit -- then that's fine. We can hit them next. But with the ridiculously small size of our standing Army -- thanks to cutbacks since the Vietnam era -- certainly you must be able to realize why we had to take out Afghanistan and Iraq first! It doesn't take the IQ of an Einstein to figure that out.

T. Johnson

Yeah, we HAD to take out Iraq and Afghanistan first. It only stands to reason.



There's nothing like a fortune teller to ruin your day.




You are a piece of communist manure.


Dear Communist,

I am appalled that people like you are allowed to call yourself

American. I hold that title with great pride. When I see a man that gives up

all his fame and fortune to do his part by serving in the military, most

people would consider him a hero. I do. But there is always someone who

feels the need to criticize. You can say what you want about the war that

never should have happened, you can talk trash on Bush all you want, that's

fair game. But to make fun of a HERO that gave his life for the same right

that you, yourself, take for granted... That's just wrong, man. Whats the

matter, no inspiration? You and writing is like a blind man shopping for

porn. People like you give democrats a bad name.

PS I feel sorry for you mother.I am visiting New York soon. I suggest you

avoid that state.

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