Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Why Fox News?

"Why do you even bother?" That's a question numerous Friends of Rall have asked me during the last few days. During the Pat Tillman cartoon controversy, I appeared on Fox TV's "O'Reilly Factor" and "Hannity and Colmes," as well as Hannity's and Colmes' syndicated radio talk shows to discuss the cartoon and the wars.

To be sure, I didn't get a fair hearing. A lot of people don't know that O'Reilly's show is taped a few hours earlier; any real zingers on the part of a liberal guest get edited out. And Hannity is partial to yammering on and on and on so long that you can't get a word in edgewise.

Still, I have to hand it to the conservatives: they're willing to confront ideas and people they find uncomfortable. Which is a lot more than I can say for the so-called liberal media, which generally has nothing to do with true progressives. I've been listening to Air America for the better part of a month, every day, and have yet to hear them interview anyone to the left of Al Gore. MoveOn.org didn't even invite me to their big shindig in New York City, where I live, a few months back. And I can't even get The Nation to review one of my books.

So there's the answer. I'm willing to be treated rudely by right-wing hosts for the chance to share progressive ideas with the American people. Liberals, after all, don't give other liberals exposure.

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