Monday, May 10, 2004

Return of the Neo-McCarthyite Censors

The same anti-American pro-war/Bush bloggers who led the charge to get me banned from The New York are at it again. Now they're deluging with hate mail about my cartoons. Why? Because the last thing right-wingers want is someone who attacks them with the same ferocity as they attack Democrats.

I'll keep drawing cartoons whether or not MSNBC drops me, but it's important to send a message to these neo-McCarthyite censors that their campaign of intimidation won't work. Whether you agree with everything I write or not, please e-mail MSNBC to ask them to keep giving you the option of reading my work.

Send your email to: with a copy to

The right is on the ropes; they're terrified that they're about to lose big in November, so big that the Republican Party may never again be trusted with the White House. Until then they'll be more dangerous than ever. Hold firm for our endangered democracy!

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