Monday, July 11, 2005

I'm #15!

It's a bit of a comedown from being named "America's Most Annoying Liberal" by Right Wing News and #2 "Most Loathesome New Yorker" by the right-wing NY Press, but #15 will have to do for today.

Neocon writer Bernard Goldberg ("Bias") has named me #15 in his new book "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America: (and Al Franken Is #37)" [yeah, that's the real title].

Word has it (via MyDD) that the top 20 runs as follows, in order:

Michael Moore
Arthur Sulzberger
Ted Kennedy
Jesse Jackson
Anthony Romero
Jimmy Carter
Margaret Marshall
Paul Krugman
Jonathan Kozol
Ralph Neas
Noam Chomsky
Dan Rather
Andrew Heyward
Mary Mapes
Ted Rall
John Edwards
Al Sharpton
Al Gore
George Soros
Howard Dean

Right-wingers love their Nixon-style enemies lists! When I was a kid back then, I used to be jealous of the brave, patriotic Americans who made Nixon's list. Now here I am, listed alongside people I admire, like Al Gore, Noam Chomsky and Howard Dean, on a list compiled by a neofascist.

Mom would be so proud.

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