Friday, July 1, 2005

Ted Rall Subscription Service

Joe asks:

Are you still doing the email subscription service for $10 a year? I can finally afford it but lost the info, could you post the details on the blog or send it to me? Thanks.

Indeed I am. I usually do this at the end of the year to make things simple, but anyone who wants to join the Ted Rall Subscription Service here at the midway point of yon fiscal year may do so, either by sending $5 (for the last half of 2005) to:

Ted Rall
PO Box 1134
New York NY 10027

Be sure to include your email address with your payment.

or sending the dough via PayPal. For the latter drop me an email at

What you get:

3 cartoons a week plus a column, delivered in many cases up to 3-4 days prior to their official publication date directly via email--plus occasional freelance stuff that never gets posted to the website.

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