Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Karl Rove: Worse Than Osama

Americans are returning from the Independence Day holiday (and what a glorious day it was here in the northeast!) and are catching up on the outing of Karl Rove as the probable source of the treasonous leaking of Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative as White House retaliation against her husband, Ambassador Joe Wilson, for debunking Bush's lie about Saddam Hussein's fictional attempt to buy uranium from Niger. Now the mail is coming in in response to my column:

Henry sez:
Will be pardoned by President Bush before he leaves office, probably a general pardon like the one given to Nixon. The timing will be determined by...Karl Rove, probably when there is good and distracting news from Iraq or on the War on Terror such as the capture/death of Osama or the conviction and sentencing of Saddam. At that point, Rove will be spun as an American patriot who, by his actions, made all this successful fight for freedom possible.
This may happen before or after Rove is indited by a grand jury but before a trial. The problem in the past was to delay the news until after Bush's second inauguration. Now, no political harm can come to Bush. He can only be condemned for coming to the aid of a good friend who will turn out to be a national treasure in guiding our country. Rove will get clean away, always new it, still knows it, and is right. Arrogance, yes, but also careful calculation Before arrogance.

I dunno. It's not like Bush to look out for people who've devoted themselves to him. Should Rove be expendable, Bush will let him do the perp walk.

tultalk@attglobal.net sez:
Where are you located. I may just come by an whack your knees for kicks.
Don't want to wast too much gas though.
Bob Tulloch
XXXX Coon Hill Rd.

Sounds like Karl needs a cellmate.

Pat writes:

Thank you for finally publishing what I have been thinking about the Plame treason since 2003. Treason for partisan gain. The lowest form of treason. No honor. No duty. No patriotism. Greed! Personal political avarice. Karl Rove is pond scum on the gene pool.
Karl Rove, George W. Bush and Dick Chaney are a classic example of what George Washington warned us about in his farewell address as the first president of our nation. "Let me now take a more comprehensive view, & warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally."
Partisan politics is a social disease in the body politics of America. Chronic and debilitating. Sometimes terminal. Let's hope that is not the case this time.
thanks for being you. And keep on kickin ass.

LRichar525@aol.com writes:

Time for reason is over. Fuck you, you despicable bastard. Larry C Richardson, Auburn, Ca

bgillespey@austin.rr.com writes:

Ted, you're an idiot. Simple enough?

Gee, and Republicans wonder why smart people don't take them seriously?

Jim asks:

I just read your article at:
A question. In the complete absence of facts don't you think you are being a bit precipitous with this kind of article?

What, as opposed to going to war over a complete absence of facts?

Seriously, though: I believe the Newsweek piece because it makes sense that Rove would be behind this, just as Wilson has said would be the case all along. More importantly, the White House has yet to issue a categorical denial. If Rove was innocent, they would have.

Andy asks:

Ted, Where is the public outcry concerning Karl Rove and the implicated leak? I have scanned CNN, MSNBC, and FoxNews.com...and cannot find mention of the Karl Rove leak. Are you just ahead of the newsbreak, did I miss it, or is it just being ignored?

CNN has covered it, though not extensively. Today's NYT has a front cover story that dances around the identity of the leaker but revisits the Plame-Wilson story. I suspect the other MSM outlets are waiting to independently verify Newsweek's source before running with it. This sucker is about to blow.

GOR Ira writes:

“…according to Newsweek, it indicates that Karl Rove himself made the call to Novak.” So you base all of your accusations against Rove on the same outfit that printed the Koran flushing story! The joy of reading your column is how unintentionally hilarious (if not factual) it is. After Rove is absolved I’m certain you’ll be big enough to publish and apology. Looking forward to it.

If one bad story were to forever doom a media outlet to irrelevance, not one would be credible. Oh, and: the Newsweek story about flushing Korans at Gitmo was true. Or hadn't you heard?

Mike writes:

Just read it - love your work! Extremely well articulated point of view with which I am in total ageement.

Well, thanks!

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