Monday, July 11, 2005

London Bombings Carried Out by Bush?

I don't think so. Or, more accurately, I don't have reason to think so. Nevertheless, I've been receiving numerous emails from people like FOR P.K., who wrote:

How fortunate for the Republicans that in the middle of Rovegate, the
Downing Street Memos and Bush's lowest approval rating yet some "terrorists"
decide to put a bomb or six into the London tubes. If I didn't know better,
I'd say this was the handywork of the CIA. Naw.

I may not agree with it, but it's hardly a nutty theory. The Bush Administration employs Karl Rove, a probable traitor who, since he betrayed a CIA agent, may even be working for Al Qaeda or other terrorist organizations. These people are capable of literally anything, from lying about WMDs to con us into war to setting up concentration camps to legalizing torture to disappearing thousands of people.

That said, until there's evidence to the contrary, I'll continue to believe the official story. After all, the neocons' logic for attacking Saddam came down to Saddam=evil, 9/11 by evildoers, thus Saddam must go. Thinking Americans shouldn't follow the same logic by substituting "Bush" for "Saddam."

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