Thursday, October 4, 2007

Cartoon for October 4

Click on the cartoon to see it larger.


  1. I heard this morning on "The Bill Press Show" via Sirius radio that the AMA coined the term "socialized medicine" way back during Harry Truman's administration as a means of stopping the government from providing national health care coverage for all citizens. Ironically, the AMA now supports the SCHIP bill that the Chimpster just vetoed. It would be funny if it weren't so sad and predictable. If Dems had brains or a spine, they would run commercials from now until Nov. 2008 that say "Republicans want your children to die." Scare tactics? Sure, but we have to fight fire with fire; bringing a knife to a gunfight hasn't worked for seven years and counting.

  2. Right on Sandman. I.T.M.F.A.

  3. Ted,

    Today's comic was brilliant. You've captured why I'm so depressed about the upcoming primaries and election.
