Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Your Suggestions Requested

The Rallblog, and the whole website, is about to undergo a complete (and expensive--so if you'd like to make a contribution, now would be a VERY good time) overall. We're starting from scratch, which means now is the time that cool suggestions can be entertained. So if you have an idea for what you'd like to see added to the website (or left out), please post a comment to this post. Thanks!


  1. I like the current site, and look forward to seeing what you do with the next one. Keep up the good work, O true hero of 911.

  2. We already talked about this at the Comic Con, but I wouldn't mind seeing archives of your older (pre-1996) cartoons.

  3. A complete "overhaul" not "overall", yes?

  4. I agree with brubaker, more material would be welcome. Other than that, I have to say I really like the current simplicity, it works well with the content: non-bloated, efficient website for against-the-grain, insightful content.

  5. an overlap with livejournal would be good - maybe an rss feed.

    I like the mix of comics and columns.

  6. Count me among those who like the simplicity of the web site. Please don't bloat it with flashy graphics and Javascript. Adding a few Rall graphics here and there to decorate would spiff it up.

    As for other content, complete archives and an RSS feed (both already mentioned) are all I can think of.

  7. RSS Feed! ... Porn?

  8. I'll see what I can do about archives of older cartoons. Seems like a worthy endeavor.

    Shannon, what do you mean by "overlap with LiveJournal"?

    RSS will almost certainly be available. Actually, you can RSS this site now!

  9. Hi,

    Actually you website already has a great design so I look forward to the change.

    Art rules!

  10. Here's my 2 cents...please just keep it simple. Nothing flashy or showy. It's the message that counts. Also, what about your blog archives for 2007? They appear to be missing.

  11. Allow me to add my voice to the chorus of those saying, "no flash, no javascript, keep it simple." Bloated websites make my browser cry.

  12. Blog archives may have been demounted temporarily due to the webmasters monkeying around behind the yellow curtain. They'll be back.

    I third the motion on design simplicity. Nothing drives me crazier than trying to load a website with Flash on a slow connection overseas.

  13. Ask your web guy if he has a server-side, connection-speed-based content solution. That way dumb rich people (people who will hire you) with fast connections get the slick page they want and the the slow connections get the vintage 90s version. Nothing is lamer than going to a page and having to specify your connection speed before you can see the page.
    And I say, make it even more vinage 90s. I'm not saying to use the old-school radio buttons as decorations or animated gif's everywhere or nested, scrolling marquees with animated gifs inside of them, am I?

    On an other note,
    I would take a cue from Greg Pallast and use some of the web fund to buy domains that might yield a few interesting, stray e-mails like georgewbush.org (instead of .com). You can probably predict who the next president and vice president will be and register that .com.

    With rall.com's reputation for being down often, I would think that the biggest improvements would be no-brainer's. Take your time on the rest, if you can.

    There are also the really out there ideas...I think it is sad that this weeks column and comic will never be read by Iraqis. Could your material in Dutch be profitable? Not really web suggestions per se, but deciding to offer different languages might alter your overall web package.

  14. This may sound like much work, but how about "tags" for the cartoons, so that the archive can be searched for those cartoons relating to certain issues/themes?

    This one can seacrhf or those cartoons relating to 9-11 or to Abu Ghraib only.

    Just a thought.

  15. Recommend an open source free software CMS to do everything you need, in particular Drupal.
