Monday, October 1, 2007

Cartoon for October 1

Click on the cartoon to see it larger.


  1. Ted, excellent and accurate analogy. However, the idea of eating feces is so disgusting that this may have exited the realm of shock into the realm of being disgusted. Perhaps something less biologically visceral and more cognitively noxious next time, such as eating children or strangling nuns.

  2. Haliburton, makes poo taste good. Otherwise the Dems would'nt find it so yummy.

  3. Ha ha.

    Sounds like something from Red Meat, specifically the one where Earl says that his mom told him that when life hands you shit make shit sandwiches.

  4. It's too bad that members of congress have spent too much time listening to lobbyists and campaigning instead of reading the Constitution.

    Perhaps if they did, we wouldn't have gone to an undeclared, illegal war in the first place.

    Oh well. It was a nice Republic.

  5. An excellent cartoon. Very appropriate analogy. Looking at the kind of food available in the market (GM - transfat - all other kind of now-not-known effects additives) we are already half way through to eating "poo". So, your cartoon is not too far away from reality.

    As we are already into this, Dems won't be provoked even by this cartoon.

  6. My puppy loves goose poop! Can he be majority whip?

  7. it is voluntary. I am not voting for democrats. Things have not gotten bad enough yet. I want the situation to get MUCH worse. I hate this country so much, that I am going to vote republican.

    If we have 8 years of sane economic policy under a democrat, the next republican will just have more money to do evil.(example: Bush).
    Let the beast starve itself. Keeping repugs in charge is the lesser of two evils in the long run. here are some more reasons to vote republican:

    1) You won't be misrepresented by the likes of Hillary or Obama.
    2) A republican will have to deal with Iraq.
    3) things will get so bad, that we might swing back the other way harder than ever.

    Let's stop the high school cheerleading for 'our side', and start thinking about our grandchildren.

  8. Feinstein just bought a $15mil house. She's certainly not paying it off with here gov't salary. Pass the poo.
