Saturday, February 9, 2008

Cartoon for February 9

After I drew this cartoon, I realized that it's really true: tens of thousands of young American men and women have spent their entire adult lives in Iraq. This also ties in to the fact that we have no U.S. troops in the U.S.--you know, to defend the U.S...


  1. I love that!

    It reminds me of that 300 movie that was based on a good comic book, ruined by crude attempts to tie it to the "War on Terror"... And how right wing Chairborne Rangers started raving for "Spartan" culture even though if they'd heard it proposed at all before they'd likely decry the person saying it as a "Social Darwinist NAMBLA member".

    The thing is, Xerxes after he 'won' that battle had his elite troops bury the dead (up to 100,000+ out of a million) for fear his whole army would rout under him. Kind of like Dubya concealing the coffins from the media? A real modern "300" might well be fought if China doesn't get the money Dubya borrowed back and decides to invade, and a few people make desperate last holdouts against the onslaught.

    IMHO, King Leonidas, if he was able to see and speak to our troops today would probably tell them to strike for money. Sparta was a mercenary society and the soldiers were the top class. They chose their battles very carefully as to how it would benefit them versus the estimated cost. Since the "Operation Iraqi Liberation" was clearly an OIL war, the soldiers should be going into it to secure their future as wealthy warriors, no? (and along the way have anal sex with Iraqi boys for fun, Spartans were 110% for gays in the Millitary)

    Barring a severe increase in pay, he'd have the millitary "Rebel" and take over Iraq to use the oil revenue to profit from and blackmail the US...

  2. Interesting flag. I've imagined the troops adopting a flag similar to that should they mutiny or something.

  3. fyi:

    "when", not "if".....

    FBI Deputizes Private Contractors With Extraordinary Powers, Including 'Shoot to Kill'

    The FBI has a new set of eyes and ears, and they're being told to protect their infrastructure at any cost. They can even kill without repercussion.
