Friday, February 29, 2008

Cartoon for March 1

Republicans are accusing Barack Obama of not being patriotic. Their reasons include his decision to stop wearing an American flag lapel pin because the symbol had been hijacked by right-wing neocons, his failure to place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, and his wife's comment that she was proud of the United States for the first time during her adult life.


  1. Great cartoon. The whole patriotism thing is childish to me. . and it has a little too much German in it....

  2. All-time Rall Classic!

    That Obama is delivering a not-so-subtle Fuck You to the neocons over this issue is one of the most encouraging things about him.

  3. I love the frustration of libs. Keep crying Ted, we're going to keep crucifying "Biraq Hussain Osama". Middle America is our target audience and there's nothing you can do to stop our penetrating message:

    1. Obama is a radical Muslim.
    2. Obama hates America.
    3. His wife hates America.
    4. We will not be safe if Obama is elected.

    This message is going to be pounded into America's collective brain, and there's nothing you can do Ted.

    "Just Say No to Barack HUSSEIN!!!"
    "Our next president, John McCain!"

  4. Obama's wife is "proud" of the U.S. now that her husband has a shot of winning the Presidency.


    Anything you can do,
    I can do better.
    I can do anything
    Better than you.

    No, you can't.
    Yes, I can. No, you can't.
    Yes, I can. No, you can't.
    Yes, I can,
    Yes, I can!

    Anything you can be
    I can be greater.
    Sooner or later,
    I'm greater than you.

    No, you're not. Yes, I am.
    No, you're not. Yes, I am.
    No, you're NOT!. Yes, I am.
    Yes, I am!

    I can shoot a partridge
    With a single cartridge.
    I can get a sparrow
    With a bow and arrow.
    I can live on bread and cheese.
    And only on that?
    So can a rat!
    Any note you can reach
    I can go higher.
    I can sing anything
    Higher than you.
    No, you can't. (High)
    Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)
    Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)
    Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)
    Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)
    Yes, I CAN! (Highest)

    Anything you can buy
    I can buy cheaper.
    I can buy anything
    Cheaper than you.

    Fifty cents?
    Forty cents! Thirty cents?
    Twenty cents! No, you can't!
    Yes, I can,
    Yes, I can!
    Anything you can say
    I can say softer.
    I can say anything
    Softer than you.
    No, you can't. (Softly)
    Yes, I can. (Softer) No, you can't. (Softer)
    Yes, I can. (Softer) No, you can't. (Softer)
    Yes, I can. (Softer)
    YES, I CAN! (Full volume)
    I can drink my liquor
    Faster than a flicker.
    I can drink it quicker
    And get even sicker!
    I can open any safe.
    Without bein' caught?
    That's what I thought--
    you crook!
    Any note you can hold
    I can hold longer.
    I can hold any note
    Longer than you.

    No, you can't.
    Yes, I can No, you can't.
    Yes, I can No, you can't.
    Yes, I can
    Yes, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I No, you C-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-N'T--
    CA-A-A-A-N! (Cough, cough!)
    Yes, you ca-a-a-an!

    Anything you can wear
    I can wear better.
    In what you wear
    I'd look better than you.
    In my coat?
    In your vest! In my shoes?
    In your hat! No, you can't!
    Yes, I can
    Yes, I CAN!
    Anything you say
    I can say faster.
    I can say anything
    Faster than you.
    No, you can't. (Fast)
    Yes, I can. (Faster) No, you can't. (Faster)
    Yes, I can. (Faster) Noyoucan't. (Faster)
    YesIcan! (Fastest)
    I can jump a hurdle.
    I can wear a girdle.
    I can knit a sweater.
    I can fill it better!
    I can do most anything!
    Can you bake a pie? No.
    Neither can I.
    Anything you can sing
    I can sing sweeter.
    I can sing anything
    Sweeter than you.
    No, you can't. (Sweetly)
    Yes, I can. (Sweeter) No, you can't. (Sweeter)
    Yes, I can. (Sweeter) No, you can't. (Sweeter)
    Yes, I can. (Sweeter) No, you can't, can't, can't (sweeter)
    Yes, I can, can, can (Sugary)

    Yes, I can! No, you can't!

  6. hi ted-

    thanks! i learned a new word today:

    pu·sil·lan·i·mous [pyoo-suh-lan-uh-muhs]
    1. lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid.
    2. proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit.

  7. Anon 9:28 PM.

    You're wrong on this one. The media is scared to death over these innuendos and that is why you see McCain worming away from neocon bigots. All of this went under the radar with Reagan and Bush, because they were Friend-Heil to the movement and the media just went silent on all the racists, bigots and religious zealots. Now that their candidate isn't one of 'them,' this game of bigot baiting just isn't working -namely because the media is reporting these outrageous things every time a neo-con endorses McCain.

    Obama needs to directly address his name and what it truly means (beautiful), but even if he proceeds the way he is now, I think in the end the right wing will embarrass the Republican mainstream so badly that, in the end they may succeed in preserving their conservative coalition, but realize that coalition is really about 32% of the electorate. The other 20% they've been weaseling to win elections is simply not paying enough attention to who they're allied with.

    If Hillary would just step aside, Obama is going to win in a landslide.

  8. The fact that people actually think those things about Barack (see the above anonymous reply) scares me. Seriously, do none of the people parroting messages about Barack they learn from bogus chain e-mails even know exists?

  9. btw, this whole idea that his name is goint to help American foreign policy is a little iffy.
    If I were Muslim, I would see it as a cheezy ploy. When I dug deeper, I would see that
    his dad converted to Christianity. That would not help.
    Taken together with the US' actions in Muslim countries it would actually make me very suspicious.

  10. #2 anonymous:

    I think #1 anonymous knows that those are lies. That type of "conservative" really doesn't care about the truth, just about winning.

  11. Anonymous #2,

    I don't believe, and don't not believe, the things I stated about Obama/Osama. The reality is I don't care. What I do care about is John McCain winning the election, and therefore I will pound the message into middle America's head relentlessly until election day. Imprinting is the key, and it works.

    What matters is what the voters consciously and sub-consciously believe. You can bet come election day, they'll be terrified at the thought of a Muslim president.

  12. The absence of research on the part of conservatives is something I have seen first hand. They are simply reactionary: "I don't like that, I don't believe it," or "that supports my point of view so I agree with it." The "agree" or "disagree" with evidence as though everything were opinion and the only facts that exist are what they believe.

    "I suspect, I presume, I assume, I guess..." If Huckleberry running for president demonstrates anything it is that you can lack sufficient critical thinking skills and still be economically successful; it does not mean you can actually reason something through logically, only that you can pretend to.

    That Americans have money and material 'stuff' doesn't make them any less than provincially minded peasants. They operate on an irrational, reactionary, peasant mentality.

    The idea that the Republican political stance can even exist as a serious platform demonstrates this. People vote on impulse and feeling. Even our illustrious Ted looked at his vote and asked himself how he FELT about it.

    If people FEEL they can vote for Obama they will find reasons to.

  13. In panel three, I know it's merely indicating where the 'lost' American Flag pin is located, butt (no pun intended) in the smaller sized cartoon, it looks like the flag on the end of a thin pole up Obama's poop chute.

  14. farm boy,
    Show me the research the Obama supporters have done.

  15. So, anonymous #1,

    1) why is it that you care so little about the truth or falsehood of what you say?

    and 2) does it ever occur to you that you may be being lied to just as cavalierly?

  16. "Imprinting is the key, and it works."

    So, you're willing to lie for the sake of a single-minded goal? You're willing to completely leave your morals at the door? How much do you know about John McCain, really? Do you even realize there's a world beyond your neighborhood, your job? Are you religious, and if so, do you believe your faith would approve of such methods?

    I'd tell you to try putting that energy toward something worthwhile, but your complete lack of a moral compass would make that impossible.

  17. anonymous #2,

    Yes I am religious, have a wonderful wife and three children. None of that conflicts with my approach, and I enjoy life every day.

    I understand your frustration because my methods put you at a distinct disadvantage.

  18. we've seen this anonymous poster before. He is obviously not really a shameless conservative who is actually admitting he is shameless. I can't believe some of you guys fell for it.

    good job anon

  19. I couldn't agree more, aggiedude. It's bizarre how conservatives seem to have taken a liberal idea (that other viewpoints and worldviews can be valid) and used it to justify believing and acting without reason or rationality.

    The fact is, everyone's opinions aren't equally valid. Just those founded in logic and fact. Or maybe I'm a bit of an elitist :)

  20. The fact is, everyone's opinions aren't equally valid.

    well said

  21. Edward said...

    farm boy,
    Show me the research the Obama supporters have done.

    Edward, can we please go google search for you again?!!!

    "farm boy" means "aggie dude", I suppose.
