Thursday, February 7, 2008

Flash: MittBot2008 Deactivated

Mitt Romney is dropping out of the GOP primaries.

At first glance, this appears to make McCain the de facto nominee, and I think that's how it'll play out. That said, Huckabee may galvanize the anti-McCain vote now. If religious fundamentalists rally to him, he might still end up as the nominee. Might. Probably won't.

This does slightly screw up my cartoon for Monday. Damn you, MittBot!


  1. Mitt is a grade-A douche weasel!!! He can't bring himself to be human, he's such a total robot. He can't just drop out, essentially assuring McCain the, he has to hang on to his precious 270 delegates and try to game the system.

    I'm glad he's wasted $35 Million of his own money trying to buy the Presidency and I hope he tries again (which he's sure to do), spending the rest of his children's trust fund.

    Huckleberry is going to be the VP on the McCain ticket, which just might shore up the moron vote on the right.

  2. From yesterday's post on Colin McEnroe's "To Wit" blog:

    I, Robot
    Romney is out. Apparently, the country is not ready for a mechanical president. Hey, people, it's 2008!

  3. When Clinton drops out next, Ted "Obama, Schlobama" Rall will look as "stupid" as William "Earned Success" Kristol. Of course, Ted's already claimed that this will only be 1 out of 1000 times he's been wrong, so the comparison is invalid.

    The hypocrisy is damning.

  4. Hey, Anon, maybe the H & O Railroad will keep barrelin' through all the way to August, and give us a brokered convention. Wouldn't that be a hoot! Meanwhile the Repugs would be deprived of a single target to focus on, and McCain will be standing out there alone for every Democrat in creation to attack.

    Do I expect it? Not particularly, but at this point it's not beyond the realm of possibility. I don't claim to own a flawless crystal ball; I can only go by what the situation is now. Based on that, I'm sticking with Edwards. He can still accumulate delegates, and the more he has the better he's placed to pry some public promises out of the Appeaser or the Triangulation Queen.

    Jana C.H.
    Saith Floss Forbes: If you don't know the tune, sing tenor.

  5. Ted's already claimed that this will only be 1 out of 1000 times he's been wrong, so the comparison is invalid. The hypocrisy is damning.

    If Ted were a paid shill by those who need public rationales to kill people for fun and profit, perhaps it would be hypocritical. As it is, Kristolnacht has gotten everything about the war wrong.

    Although I think Ted, at least in his writing, has missed the point of why Kristol and the others get so far ahead when they are so consistently wrong. They are not being paid to be right. They are being paid to push rationales so others can do what they like. That is why being right wing pundit is so lucrative.
