Monday, February 4, 2008


Puffing Up John McCain, POW

"A proven leader, and a man of integrity," the New York Post called John McCain in its editorial endorsement. "A naval aviator shot down over North Vietnam and held as a POW, McCain knew that freedom was his for the taking. All he had to do was denounce his country. He refused--and, as a consequence, suffered years of unrelenting torture."

This standard summary of McCain's five and a half years in the Hanoi Hilton, repeated in thousands of media accounts during his 2000 campaign and again this election year, is the founding myth of his political career. The tale of John McCain, War Hero prompts a lot of people turned off by his politics--liberals and traditional conservatives alike--to support him. Who cares that he "doesn't really understand economics"? He's got a great story to tell.

Scratch the surface of McCain's captivity narrative, however, and a funny thing happens: his heroism blows away like the rust from a vintage POW bracelet.

In the fall of 1967 McCain was flying bombing runs over North Vietnam from the U.S.S. Oriskany, an aircraft carrier in the South China Sea. On October 26, the 31-year-old pilot was part of a 20-plane squadron assigned to destroy infrastructure in the North Vietnamese capital. He flew his A-4 Skyhawk over downtown Hanoi toward his target, a power plant. As he pulled up after releasing his bombs, his fighter jet was hit by a surface-to-air missile. A wing came off. McCain's plane plunged into Truc Bach Lake.

Mai Van On, a 50-year-old resident of Hanoi, watch the crash and left the safety of his air-raid shelter to rescue him. Other Vietnamese tried to stop him. "Why do you want to go out and rescue our enemy?" they yelled. Ignoring his countrymen, On grabbed a pole and swam to the spot where McCain's plane had gone down in 16 feet of water. McCain had managed to free himself from the wrecked plane but was stuck underwater, ensnared by his parachute. On used his pole to untangle the ropes and pull the semi-conscious pilot to the surface. McCain was in bad shape, having broken his arm and a leg in several places.

McCain is lucky the locals didn't finish him off. U.S. bombs had killed hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese civilians, many in Hanoi. Ultimately between one and two million innocents would be shredded, impaled, blown to bits and dissolved by American bombs. Now that one of their tormentors had fallen into their hands, they had a rare chance to get even. "About 40 people were standing there," On later recalled. "They were about to rush him with their fists and stones. I asked them not to kill him. He was beaten for a while before I could stop them." He was turned over to local policemen, who transferred him to the military.

What if one of the hijackers who destroyed the World Trade Center had somehow crash-landed in the Hudson River? How long would he have lasted? Would anyone have risked his life to rescue him?

An impolite question: If a war is immoral, can those who fight in it--even those who demonstrate courage--be heroes? If the answer is yes, was Reagan wrong to honor the SS buried at Bitburg? No less than Iraq, Vietnam was an undeclared, illegal war of aggression that did nothing to keep America safe. Tens of millions of Americans felt that way. Millions marched against the war; tens of thousands of young men fled the country to avoid the draft. McCain, on the other hand, volunteered.

McCain knew that what he was doing was wrong. Three months before he fell into that Hanoi lake, he barely survived when his fellow sailors accidentally fired a missile at his plane while it was getting ready to take off from his ship. The blast set off bombs and ordnance across the deck of the aircraft carrier. The conflagration, which took 24 hours to bring under control, killed 132 sailors. A few days later, a shaken McCain told a New York Times reporter in Saigon: "Now that I've seen what the bombs and the napalm did to the people on our ship, I'm not so sure that I want to drop any more of that stuff on North Vietnam."

Yet he did.

"I am a war criminal," McCain said on "60 Minutes" in 1997. "I bombed innocent women and children." Although it came too late to save the Vietnamese he'd killed 30 years earlier, it was a brave statement. Nevertheless, he smiles agreeably as he hears himself described as a "war hero" as he arrives at rallies in a bus marked "No Surrender."

McCain's tragic flaw: He knows the right thing. He often sets out to do the right thing. But he doesn't follow through. We saw McCain's weak character in 2000, when the Bush campaign defeated him in the crucial South Carolina primary by smearing his family. Placing his presidential ambitions first, he swallowed his pride, set aside his honor, and campaigned for Bush against Al Gore. It came up again in 2005, when McCain used his POW experience as a POW to convince Congress to pass, and Bush to sign, a law outlawing torture of detainees at Guantánamo and other camps. But when Bush issued one of his infamous "signing statements" giving himself the right to continue torturing--in effect, negating McCain's law--he remained silent, sucking up to Bush again.

McCain's North Vietnamese captors demanded that he confess to war crimes. "Every two hours," according to a 2007 profile in the Arizona Republic, "one guard would hold McCain while two others beat him. They kept it up for four days...His right leg, injured when he was shot down, was horribly swollen. A guard yanked him to his feet and threw him down. His left arm smashed against a bucket and broke again."

McCain later recalled that he was at the point of suicide. But he was no Jean Moulin, the French Resistance leader who refused to talk under torture, and killed himself. According to "The Nightingale's Song," a book by Robert Timberg, "[McCain] looked at the louvered cell window high above his head, then at the small stool in the room." He took off his dark blue prison shirt, rolled it like a rope, draped one end over his shoulder near his neck, began feeding the other end through the louvers." He was too slow. A guard entered and pulled him away from the window.

I've never been tortured. I have no idea what I'd do. Of course, I'd like to think that I could resist or at least commit suicide before giving up information. Odds are, however, that I'd crack. Most people do. And so did McCain. "I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate," McCain wrote in his confession. "I almost died and the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the doctors."

It wasn't the first time McCain broke under pressure. After his capture, wrote the Republic, "He was placed in a cell and told he would not receive any medical treatment until he gave military information. McCain refused and was beaten unconscious. On the fourth day, two guards entered McCain's cell. One pulled back the blanket to reveal McCain's injured knee. 'It was about the size, shape and color of a football,' McCain recalled. Fearful of blood poisoning that would lead to death, McCain told his captors he would talk if they took him to a hospital."

McCain has always been truthful about his behavior as a POW, but he has been more than willing to allow others to lie on his behalf. "A proven leader, and a man of integrity," the New York Post says, and he's happy to take it. "All he had to do was denounce his country. He refused..." Not really. He did denounce his country. But he didn't demand a retraction.

It's the old tragic flaw: McCain knows what he ought to do. He starts to do the right thing. But John McCain is a weak man who puts his career goals first.



  1. Good column! But... couldn't the last paragraph apply equally to everyone who ran or is still running on the Democratic side of the race?

  2. One other comment:

    I, for one, don't really see a disconnect between Mccain's admission to war crimes and his smiling acceptance of the "war hero" label.

    Lot's of people can be two contradictory things at once -- even for the same act.

    Owning up to his "crimes" (and though I believe that's a more than fair description other reasonable people may disagree, hance the qoutes) is, in its own way, heroic after all.

    Also, his conduct while in the Hanoi Hilton WAS heroic -- I would have caved far sooner and said and done far more.

    I look forward to seeing if the democracts will, ahem, "Swift Boats" McCain's time in the prison if he gets the nomination.

    After all, if he was a war criminal so was Kerry.

  3. Kerry was a war criminal too. Of course, he said as much.

  4. Why isn't the Vietnamese guy who rescued him an American hero?

  5. Well, there you go then. They've both admitted it AND tried to use their war records at the same time. No wonder they are (or were) such good pals.

  6. This begs the question of what McCain's true convictions are. It definitely seems that he has been pandering to the far right in order to have one last shot at becoming president. Does he drop the charade once he gets into power, or does he keep it up to please his constituency? What makes me dismiss him is that trip to Iraq he had last year. Wearing body armor and surrounded by a massive military convoy, he was boasting about how safe it was over there. Pure lunacy and definitely not something the country can take a chance on.

  7. If someone volunteers to participate in a war like John McCain or the 9/11 highjackers did, is it immoral for the defenders to beat up or kill that person? As Trotsky said "You may not be interested in war but war is interested in you."

    I have faced a few stressful situations in my life and it always brought out the worst in me. I'd probably left McCain to drown and be happy for it.

  8. I agree with Jerber to the extent that I would argue that that is what makes McCain's recuer (who SHOULD be an American hero btw) a better person.

  9. The distinction between 'hero' and 'criminal' is really thin. A few weeks ago the NY Times published an article about 121 Iraq War veterans who have since been involved in murders of some sort. They came home as heroes and so many of them are now thought of as criminals, in the same sentence "he's not a hero [anymore], he's a criminal."

    Soldiers have always been stooges of whatever power structure they bought into. They're used in life and death to perpetuate the things they said they went to serve to end.

    And yet, the next generation of them is already well on their way.

  10. Of COURSE it's thin. That's the kind of madness the enemy feeds on. Is it heroic to tie explosives to a Downs patient and send her into a crowded market? Betch A-Q-in-Iraq thinks so. Betcha I don't.

    What side you're on determines who's the hero and who's the criminal.

    As it always was, in now, and ever shall be.

    EVERYTHING on earth is subjective.

    As Hamlet said, "There's nothing good or bad on earth but thinking makes it so."

    Same goes for Jazz b-t-w (just a quick nod to an old posting board there).

  11. wonderfully put, aggie. I am sure Mr. Hannity has some nice things to say to you.

  12. Do you ever wonder why dead soldiers receive more accolades than surviving veterans? Because they don't cost money.

    "we want our hero worship....but we don't want to spend a lot of money..."

  13. Nice piece, Ted, capturing the complexity of his situation. My mother has never forgiven him for kissing up to Bush; I find it disturbing and amusing that McCain caved to the Bush gang as he understandably did to his Vietnamese torturers (maybe he already knew something about the Bushies that we didn't).

  14. "we want our hero worship....but we don't want to spend a lot of money..."

    At least Bush's indifference extends to dead bodies as well as live ones. Remember every Memorial Day when we used to ask for remains from Vietnam? During Clinton v1.0, on the radio show, Ted used to call it "Memorial Day Necrophelia". Of course, it was all in the name of calling attention to the living soldiers, but that did not stop a bunch of pissed callers from cursing his name.
    btw, whenever I mention the radio show on here, I send an email to kfi and AA. All fans of Ted's work should do the same.

  15. "This begs the question of what McCain's true convictions are."

    No it doesn't; it raises the question of what his true motives are. Otherwise this is a fine comment, Matt.
    On a very useful and informative column. Thanks, Ted, for substantive support for debates we'll probably have during the homestretch to the general.
