Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cartoon for April 14

True story: At least a dozen U.S. soldiers and marines have died from electrocution at U.S. bases due to shoddy wiring in buildings provided by contracting firms.


  1. I renounce this cartoon. This is just so disgusting. It made me feel bad inside. What is Halliburton? How dare you.
    Why can't you just be a good American and ignore the soldiers, like the rest of us?

  2. Ted, dude... I'm telling you, you HAVE to fire your proof-reader! It's "sergeant," not "sargeant!"

    I hope you caught that before the print edition, or else all those military-worshipping wingnuts are gonna go ape!

  3. How shocking! (can't believe I was first to say that)

  4. No one can drip contempt and sarcasm like you, Angelo.

    As for me, this cartoon brings up uncomfortable information, that makes me think in new and painful ways. It doesn't agree with my foregone conclusion(s) and therefore must be a lie, and the author should be ashamed.

  5. Stuff happens, Ted....stuff happens

  6. The line "Sir! High-suction KBR crapper pulled Gianes down the head!" is absolutely awesome, even though it's hard to parse at first.

  7. You have to feel sorry for the families of these soldiers. Their loved ones go all the way to the Middle East to fight for a supposedly just cause, only to be killed in such a humiliating way. When anyone asks what happened, the families are stuck having to say something vague, like "Jimmy died in Iraq." It's a lot harder to provide more details and say "Jimmy was electrocuted in a shower in Baghdad ..." It's not a very noble way to die, and certainly unacceptable that it happened due to shoddy contract work.

  8. I support the troops, not the war. Anyone who criticizes the military's plumbing is a traitor. Why don't you move to Siria(sic)?? I'm sure nobody ever gets electrocuted in the shower there.

  9. All my navy buddies got out in the last few years when they caught wind that the hospital corpsmen would be deployed with the Army in Afghanistan in the near future in some desperate scheme at more efficiently spread the burden.

    More to the point, when the Army calls my ass (which they just did) you know we are having some problems.

  10. "I support the troops, not the war. Anyone who criticizes the military's plumbing is a traitor. Why don't you move to Siria(sic)?? I'm sure nobody ever gets electrocuted in the shower there."

    Syria has some of the best plumbing a Baathist state can supply.

    It's weak when the ripoff contractors can't keep the wiring away from the plumbing...more reson to have Haliburton nationalised (cut out the middleman!) and have the CEO shot.

    - Strelnikov
