Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cartoon for April 3

John McCain can't tell the difference between Sunnis and Shias. We're here to help:


  1. Dude, if you actually drew that "War on Terror" chart as a poster, you could so sell them in this election year. Make them 11" X 17" to save fuss on printing and mailing, sell 'em to your readers. I'd probably buy one.

    (I'd definitely want one; just depends on how the bank is treating me on the day they go on sale.)

  2. It's funny, because the basics on Iraq aren't all that difficult. We learned them in Sunday School (yes, seriously!) in a couple of 45-minute lessons back in 2002. This insulated us from the more egregious deceptions (Hussein cooperating with bin Laden? That news makes no sense!)

    People think they don't understand the Middle East because they think the purpose of the news is to educate. Then they find it impossible to reconcile the lies with their everyday experience. (Hussein cooperating with bin Laden? Those people make no sense!)

    The news releases make the situation look like an impenetrable mystery and make the Middle Eastern people look "other than human."

    wfar (works_for_a_republican)

  3. Niggle: I think the plural of "Shiite" is "Shia" or "Shiites".

    I only mention it because it was another tool that was used by the news spinners. The oppressed people of Iraq were the "Shia," the ranting fundamentalists were "Shiites" (back in 2003-2004)

    They've given that one up since. I think the people they could actually fool that way didn't pay enough attention to count for much, anyway.

    wfar (works_for_a_republican)

  4. Oh Ted,

    You must understand that most Americans can't distinguish Iraq and Iran on a world map, let alone tell you the difference between Sunni and Shia. Therefore if someone...say John Kerry, runs for president and KNOWS the difference he must be effete and out of touch with the 'common man on the street.'

    The common man on the street is comforted by having a president who doesn't know too much, and isn't too educated for their own good, and so they vote for the guy who plays stupid.

    I just watched the testimony from the House hearing on the Westland/Hallmark beef recall. The CEO of Westland was unable to answer extremely basic questions about why specific government regulations that are directly related to his company are in place; in this case, why the USDA banned the slaughter of downer cattle (risk of mad cow disease).

    My colleague jumped it to suggest that he knew the answer and was fumbling deliberately so as to not acknowledge willful violations of food safety law.

    The idea that this is likely, which it is, testifies to the decrepit state of intellectualism in American society. Given this guy's position, he probably donates to Republicans.

    Mark my words, McCain's inability to distinguish between the two and identify our real enemies is part and parcel to his November strategy.

    "Vote for me, I'm not smarter than you are!"
