Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cartoon for September 29

Weeks after Sarah Palin became vice presidential nominee to a man who would become our oldest president in history, she still hasn't fielded questions at a press conference.


  1. by the time she takes office, the nukular war would have already started. John McCain is all about guts and glory, and taking out those soviets once and for all. He wasn't allowed to win Vietnam, dammit!! Us liberals (even the ones who weren't alive then) robbed him of glory!!!

  2. WTF is up with Fox giving Huckabee a TV show?? I hope Harry Shearer is waiting in the wings with a parody. Dorme bene.

  3. Hey Obama, lets work across the isles with people like Palin. Lets not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

    an idiot once stumbled upon:

    "Sometimes, the minimum requirement is perfection."

  4. Angelo, sorry to disagree here, but it's impossible to work with people like Palin. It's impossible to work with neo-cons, or anyone who has no need to come to the table.

    These people have no interest in bargaining away their authority and power because they see no reason to.

    My advice to Obama, if you win, and have the congress and the white house, let the right wing fester in the wilderness at least 5 years, then when you let them back in the game, make them sign a contract denouncing their decades of stupidity.

    No surrender, no prisoners. These people are willing to let the country crumble if they don't get their way, like a bunch of adolescents at the NYSE crashing the market because they didn't get what they wanted (a bailout).

    If voters don't support it, go out on strike until they beg for leadership.

  5. Like Obama would leave the right in the wilderness. That's what we liberals want and god forbid Obama identifies himself as anything but post-partisan. The man didn't even use the word "Democrat" once in the course of the debate!

  6. Aggie,

    I'm sorry, but you don't have a clue as to the way markets work, if you think the Dow (along with all other exchange indexes across the globe) crashed because of a teen temper tantrum. It's a good thing there was no bailout (and we have to thank timorous Republicans as well as Democrats for that - they must have gotten a lot of nasty phone calls from the folks back in their districts). But don't delude yourself thinking that there is magic way out of the mess that'd been brewing for the last decade, bailout or not, for the wealthy bankrupt or for the poor bankrupt. And that means, even if Obama wins.

    I hope Angelo gets his Italian passport, and I suggest you learn some French (perhaps Ted might give you free lessons) so you can teach your obscure French sociologists en France même. Even Ted might be looking at going native during his coming Stan Trek: as the immortal Warren Zevon put it, "the shit has hit the fan", as far as the US is concerned.

    Suddenly, it doesn't seem to suck to live in a third-world country headed upwards, rather than the opposite.

  7. go out on strike until they beg for leadership. Please do go on strike. You libs insisted that banks give home loans to people who can't afford them. You insisted that food stamps and welfare can count as income when qualifying for a loan. After your done screwing up the capital markets, please let the adults fix the problem.

  8. ted – how can you keep pumping 'em out? fantastic!

    perfect scenario. with our electorate, entirely possible...

    oh, who's the military at the head of the coffin?

  9. Aggie,
    The only thing may not agree on is the famous Mesa vs. Marshall case (it's not on

    I was Mocking Obama for his apparent middle of the roadness. I love Palin because her existence is an arguement against compromise.

    The middle is almost never correct. The truth is alot closer to one position over another.

    To use Teds analogy, mixing corpse juice with water does not improve the water.

  10. Like McPain would last 2 Terms! No, the first balloon should have been"called up wrath of God upon her running mate"!

  11. Incitatus,

    I just to set the record straight (and I'm not sure you were implying this), I am not in favor of the bailout and I'm glad it didn't pass. I hope it doesn't every pass. This is not going to save the economic funk we're in, it'll just bankrupt the country even more.

    As far as not knowing how markets work. You're right! I don't, I'm willfully ignorant and just spouting off at the detestable situation.

    BTW, I started to take french and dropped it. I suppose, I'm going to stay put. I don't really fear a massive economic crisis that much and I think the country will weather it. If it doesn't, I'll probably be in the first wave of casualties, so why worry?

  12. To Anonymous 9/29/08 9:37 PM
    I think the "adults" have fixed things quite long enough. Among other things, the "adults" started two wars that have no end in sight that are literally bleeding our economy dry. Interesting how lots of people thought that all of this could be done without any type of rationing of materials. (Remember WWII?) Wars are expensive, but we Americans wouldn't dream of giving up even the smallest luxury. It's all about having it all right now, even if it's at someone else's expense.

    Nobody (Democrat or Republican) made the banks lend money to people with questionable means to repay the loans. The banks were quite willing to do so of their own accord, especially when they could immediately sell off the debt for a quick buck. Who really cared if the debtor could really pay off the loan or not--it's now someone else's problem? And there were enough shady operations that sprouted up willing to lend folks money, and not just home loans, ANY loan. Ever check out payday lenders and rent-to-own businesses? Scary stuff! And a lot of these businesses are thriving right now.

    Of course there's blame to be laid on the people who bit off more than they could chew financially. The public is sold on the American Dream every single day. But no one twisted anyone's arms. Greed is greed, and it doesn't have any particular party affiliations.

  13. Aggie,

    I'm glad you don't support the bailout. It's immoral and it's also bad in the long run, cause it will send the dollar into the gutter.

    The alternative, a worsening of the recession, doesn't really seem avoidable, but the political class (both the Republicrats and the Demoticans) will paint it in the darkest colours, so they can get their way.

    Bush's pronouncements alone are reason enough to make a saint want to strangle the man.

  14. Greed doesnt have any particular party affiliation. it will vote Republican, GOP, Grand Old Party, non-Democrat, Libertarian Republican, Christian Coalition, Moral Majority, Log Cabin Club, GOPAC, NCPAC, NRSCC, RNC, etc.

    Oh, and it lies on blogs.

  15. If you work full time, you should be able to afford to OWN a house. A tiny shack, but you OWN it. why is this impossible?

    Something is very wrong.

  16. More on the bailout, the NY Times has a very good article linking campaign financing from financial, insurance and real estate (FIRE) industries to congressional leaders, and which way they voted.

    I agree with Incitatus that this won't save the economy, it's just political cover for politicians and golden parachute cover for fat cats on Wall Street. 'Debated' "pay LIMITS"? How about ceasing the assets of failed CEOs? If an average guy defaults on student loans, they are hunted for life, but CEOs can down the entire nation's economy and retire to Naples, FL sleeping comfortably.

  17. Dirty, you're wrong! The Democrats insisted that food stamps and unemployment should be considered as income when qualifying for home loans. Whether banks were eager to make the loans is irrelevant.

  18. Aggie
    McCain is not a crazy man with his hand on the nukeulator. He is just a little overzealous to sing bad Beach Boy songs.
    Now let's bow our heads for Supreme Zealot Palin.

    you are a fool if you don't think the Democratic party is a machine to (1) fool progressives into thinking they represent them while(2) enriching the individual politicians. The only difference between the 2 parties is who they are fooling and how they do it.

  19. Huh....they only time you hear these claims about how the Democrats are just as bad is when the Republican brand is suffering, because the default political position when one doesn't have information is the conservative position.

    Therefore the republicans know that all they have to do is plant seeds of doubt about the other side. Furthermore, the Democrats appeal to a far more literate and far more educated constituency, by definition making it more difficult to fleece them because they are more critical of behaviors that truly matter.

    In the past 40 years, especially because of the Boomer generation, the Republicans have been able to use this to consolidate power while the Democrats try to herd a bunch of independently minded cats; hence Ted Rall supporting gun rights and advocating that Bill Clinton should have been impeached.

    Republicans are fascists, and if there's one thing fascists know how to do it's shore up their flanks.

  20. aggie, I was not implying that you should vote Republican. I was expressing my cynicism. Both parties exist mainly to give power and money to their brand of elitism.
    Marion made a pun and I was commenting directly to the fact that Democrats, the party not you the voter, are as quick to be swayed by money. But both sets of voters then choose give their own party a pass choosing instead to lambaste the other party with hyperbole.
    And I made the claim becasue that is the way I see it not becasue I heart the Republicans.
