Friday, September 5, 2008

Cartoon for September 6

Conservatives are applauding Sarah Palin's underaged daughter for keeping her baby whem truth be told, abortion ought to be mandatory for people under 18...hell, probably 25.


  1. You're joking about the mandatory thing.

  2. Is there any proof about rise of "oral" after Ken Starr's explicit report? More people might have read his report than 911 junk report. President was forced to testify under oath then, while for 9/11, president was not even ready to talk. Can you ever stop referring to Ken Starr's sex-investigation, for pete's sake?

    This teenage pregnancy, is a matter to be ignored as much as the matter about gay marriage in 2004.

    Ted, we need intelligent perspectives from you...

    Palin should have aborted her 5th child, if you ask me. Why bring suffering to people, deliver a kid who is to suffer for his entire life....

    And, Palin like choice does not bother me for future choice of Supreme Court judges. The spineless Democrats in Congress is the greatest worry. May be electing Palin would actually trigger sleeping arrogant people like Nancy Pelosi to act in the next Congress. No nomination hearing for anti-abortion judge, period. If the government comes to halt, let that be. Fake liberals in Congress have to be taught a lesson this time.

    May God Bless America.

  3. I would rather find out I was dying than find out I had brought a life into this world.

    The net effect of the average American baby is not good.

  4. The problem with a Republican politician having a minor child who is pregnant or causes another to become pregnant is twofold.
    If the parent knew the child was going to do it shows that they really don't care about all that abstinance before marriage stuff. If the parent didn't know (the more likely scenario) then the child is out of control. If the parent can't control his/her minor child then how can we trust him/her to control the executive branch of governmant?

  5. Ted,

    Tongue in cheek or not, I don't think there's any way you can go after Palin's daughter that will reflect well on you. Lay off it, there's plenty of other reasons to hammer it on her, especially the way she embraced the neocons and bellicosity after getting the nomination.
    But wait, Obama also did that. Heck...

  6. Great job, Ted.

    The Guttmacher Institute has extensive statistics and information on reproductive health around the world. US information is broken out by state.

    Here is a recent summary report:

    Facts on
    American Teens' Sexual and Reproductive Health

    Sample Fact: Teenagers account for 11% of all births in the US.

    The upshot of that fact is that a surprisingly high percentage of young women have been pregnant at least once by the time they are 21. The website has the percentage. I could not find it quickly. This percentage is much higher than other developed countries, e.g., 2 to 4 times higher... something like that.

    Parental consent requirements and lack of medical coverage tend to prevent kids from getting access to contraception. 90% of all clinics discuss abstinence as one method.

  7. Ted, How are you going to celebrate "Patriot Day"?? Dorme bene

  8. The third attack on Pakistani soil by US troops took place yesterday. 20 people killed in Angur Adda including women and children. US military PR declared the operation a success, but what has been acheived is beyond understanding.

    If not in Georgia, then on Afghan border(s), your bloody government is out to try and start World War III somewhere before its time runs out.

    Your crazed generals threatened more of the same. What is up with these American boots killing inside F.A.T.A.?

    And please do tell us what weird measure of "success" you people are using?

    Khi, Sindh

  9. There should be reason for concern that Palin supports abstinence-only education and her own teenage daughter is pregnant, or that Palin vetoed legislation designeed to help teenage mothers, but any complaint can be portrayed as a personal attack or an attack on her family. No, Republicans never have any problem making such attacks on Democrats, but Republicans have the media on their side, and Democrats often don't handle attacks very well.

    But Palin does have other problems. Pay attention to her record and she looks pretty creepy. Her time as mayor and governor look like the Bush Administration in microcosm. She tried to ban books, supported teaching religion in schools, and fired people for mysterious reasons. Obama and Biden should focus on this record, but it might be hard to get past the all-American mother image that has already entered the national consciousness.

    It seems like people are going to vote for McCain just because they like Palin. She may be style over substance and a totally vapid choice, but unfortunately these are vapid times.

  10. Anon 4:18 AM,

    I doubt the fifth kid was really her's.

    There's been an internet rumor about the baby really being Bristol's. Given that the judo masters in the Republican spin machine turned Bristol's current pregnancy a celebration of the miracle of life, why bother going through the ruse in the first place? There's also the extreme rarity of Down's sydrome in teen pregnancies, as well as the improbability of lightning striking twice. Birth control isn't that hard to get.

    A more likely scenario is that the child was sired by Sarah Palin's husband in an extramarital affair, probably with a woman approximately Sarah's age. Perhaps the mistress agreed to keep quiet if the Palins took the child off her hands. Its a stretch, but its more probable than Sarah Palin boarding a jet to fly cross country while in labor so that she could deliver a high risk pregnancy at some backwater hospital.

  11. Yes incitatus you're right Don't pick on the kid. Where were mommy and daddy while their little darlin' was sucking off her boyfriend?

  12. This is a little off topic, but I want to point something out:

    "Right-to-Lifers" like to bring up the "unborn child," but they never want to consider the fact that not everyone who was born is thrilled to be here in this late-capitalist world, which is polluted, over-populated and war torn. I, for one, never asked to be born. If I was again a fetus, and facing ejection into a situation where I was unwanted, I'd say (if I could understand the situation): Please abort me! My crack-addicted mom has other problems! And it's not like the world needs any more fucking HUMANS!!!

    If Americans gave a goddamn about the biosphere and the dignity of the people who are actually brought into the world, abortions would be FREE and encouraged!


  13. Re anonymous #2. Raising a Down's syndrome child is a challenge for the parent, and the mother ought to be able to choose whether to accept that challenge, but the children themselves really don't suffer all that much. Most people with Down's that I've known have really been pretty happy. And they tend to be very friendly.

  14. I think you should stick with the "effectiveness" of abstinence only education. That's the real issue here, which the right wing storm troopers are desperate to keep under wraps.

    How can such a staunch anti-choice, abstinence-only God freak let her daughter get pregnant?

    Answer: (Obvious to all but the half wit), because teenagers have sex and they should be prepared.

    We need political leaders that don't bury their heads in the sand.

  15. Anonymous Dave,

    Who the hell cares about the biosphere if not fucking humans? Certainly not the polar bear.

    Aggie, amongst lots of otherwise crazy stuff in this thread (late-capitalist world, jeez), you make a reasonable point about the effectiveness of abstinence-only sex ed. That's a good angle to go after Palin, instead of making too much about a family matter.

    Obama's take on it:

  16. The best comment posted in this thread (and the one before that) was by y_s. The question that begs to be asked is: "will Obama continue this policy of expanding the Afghan front into other countries?". Seeing his last comments regarding military commitments in the Middle East, that is all that matters.

    Of course, we already know the answer in McCain's case. In the meantime, wackos around here foam at the mouth at the thought of more "fucking humans" being born.

  17. All of a sudden it dawned on me: with Palin's nomination, McCain manage to turn an election that should have been about war, into yet another one about abortion. Brilliant move!

    And you "liberals" are being sucked right into it. When will you ever learn?

  18. Dave,

    "not everyone who was born is thrilled to be here in this late-capitalist world, which is polluted, over-populated and war torn. I, for one, never asked to be born."

    If you hate this world so much, no one is asking for your continued participation in it.

    Don't get me wrong, I think that abortion is a woman's choice. Also, I'm not suggesting that you choose to abort your own life. Instead you should have yourself cryogenically frozen. The world may revert from its "late-capitalist" state to medieval feudalism by the time you wake up. Our war torn world would be unified with more wars, and fighting and starvation will solve our overpopulation problem. Even better, maybe a global communist dictatorship will have arisen. It can reduce our carbon footprint by executing political prisoners and irradiate our polluted environment to glowing perfection.

    I can understand why an uneducated person would think our system sucks. However, the more one learns about history and the rest of the world, the more one realizes how truly lucky we are.

  19. abortions for all? we know that wouldn't work-- but neither would abortions for none. clearly, the answer is abortions for SOME, miniature american flags for others. that's sure to make everybody happy!

  20. If the parent knew the child was going to do it shows that they really don't care about all that abstinance before marriage stuff. If the parent didn't know (the more likely scenario) then the child is out of control. If the parent can't control his/her minor child then how can we trust him/her to control the executive branch of governmant?

    Anyone with kids, and even some of us who are only aunts, know that kids, even good kids, do things that their parents wouldn't approve of. They're great at hiding things from their parents. Can anyone here say that they didn't do seriously dumbass shit when they were teenagers, shit that would have given their parents a collective aneurysm if they had found out? The difference is Bristol got caught.

    Getting pregnant at 17 is dumb. But it ain't 1950 and this isn't a scandal. It's something that happens in a lot of families, and, ideally, each family handles it in a way that's the least harmful to everyone involved.

    I feel awful for Bristol. Between being pregnant at such a young age and having to live under her mother's thumb and in the national spotlight, her life must suck mightily right now. I can't even imagine what it must have been like for her to have to tell her mother.

    I'm just not sure that Palin's teenage daughter getting pregnant has anything to do with her governing abilities. There are plenty of infinitely more important things that make her a bad choice.

    Palin should have aborted her 5th child, if you ask me.

    Then I guess it's a good thing no one asked you.

  21. If a teen pregnancy is a family matter what was a cum stained dress? A matter of national security? Sorry Incy but it seems the only one getting sucked in here is little Palins boy friend. More pulling power than a hoover vacuum. Good thing he came before his head caved in. It was the righty tighties that made family business public fodder. Now you're going to have to live with it. And Maura had a little lamb, If Palin did'nt want her daughter dragged through the muck, she should have put more thought into accepting the nomination.

  22. It's pretty hypocritical for pro-abortion proponents to say that Bristol Palin should have aborted her baby when pro-abortionism is supposed to be all about "choice."

  23. "But it ain't 1950"

    Tell that to the RNC

  24. Big problem with this 'toon, Ted.

    The first panel should have been labeled "The Ken Starr Effect."

    If not for that Whitewater witch-hunt, the whole Clinton-Lewinsky "scandal" would have been as much a footnote to history as the infidelities of both Bushes, Dan Quayle, Newt Gingrich or John McCain.

  25. And Maura had a little lamb
    I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.

    If Palin did'nt want her daughter dragged through the muck, she should have put more thought into accepting the nomination.

    I agree. I find it hard to believe that she's so naive she thought there wouldn't be a firestorm. I think Palin doesn't give a damn about anything or anyone other than herself, although the extreme of that - that she would willingly sacrifice her daughter's privacy and happiness for her political career - is more than I can take.

    I still don't buy that Sarah Palin's daughter getting pregnant has a thing to do with her ability, or lack of same, to govern. Dwelling on it just distracts people from more important issues. But even if she is a target, it's not OK for her daughter to be one.

  26. Ok...sorry Maura. I miss understood your point. But, when you look at Palins ability to govern fairly, it would seem to me she has already failed that test.

  27. I can understand why an uneducated person would think our system sucks. However, the more one learns about history and the rest of the world, the more one realizes how truly lucky we are.

    Your "educated" viewpoint is incredibly myopic. Right now, in the "globalized" world, there are over a billion people who lack adequate access to clean water. That's far more than the population of medieval Europe.

    Look, I was brought into this world with a mother who did a decent job taking care of me. I'm lucky, and I know it. If you're so high on life and proud of the world your fellow humans have built, I'm glad for you. But I don't find it hard to imagine how miserable it would be to poor and unloved.


  28. Ok...sorry Maura. I miss understood your point. But, when you look at Palins ability to govern fairly, it would seem to me she has already failed that test.

    I think I wasn't as clear as I should have been. It probably sounded like I think she can govern fairly, when, in fact, I'm with you. Palin has failed the test.
