Sunday, September 7, 2008

Susan Stark's Foney Nooz
posted by Susan Stark

This just in . . .

ALASKA--A big, giant runaway glacier about the size of Manhattan broke off and created havoc for anything in its path, including the home of Governor Sarah Palin. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the house was flattened to splinters. Read more here . . .


  1. "its," not "it's." better fix that before edward sees it and pees his pants.

  2. Conservative line 10 years ago: Global Warming is "a myth of the greens"

    Conservative line 5 years ago: Global Warming is "a myth of the greens"

    Conservative line today: OK fine, something's going on, but it's not our fault!

  3. Liberal line 20 years ago: Here comes global cooling

    Liberal line 5 years ago: Here comes global warming

    Liberal line 1 year ago: Here comes climate change

    Liberal line this year: Global warming is on hold for 10 years

  4. No, Anonymous, global warming is not happening in ten years. It's happening right now. That's what causing, you know, the polar cap to break apart.

    Thank you, Devil. I will change the minor grammatical error right now, before Edward starts bouncing off the walls.

  5. You all realise that the "bridge to nowhere" was built in anticipation of global warming. The ice melst and voila, accessable oil fields. Duh... Dorme bene

  6. oops, maybe not oil, but some prime real estate

  7. Susan,
    I have a newsflash for you. The globe has been warming and cooling since it's inception. Long before you libs were here to save us all.

  8. She's selling the splinters on eBay. Gotta do something with that dormant account.

  9. Anon 9/9 6:50,

    I don't think all scientists are liberals but many scientists, like most sane people, are concerned about folks who disregard facts and endanger everyone else. You have to believe scientists to say that the world has been warming and cooling since its inception. What they are saying now is that it is warming at a rate that is not consistent with history and that humans are contributing to that. Maybe they are just trying to save themselves.

    I guess there are two kinds of scientific opinions and the choice is a matter of personal taste or political persuasion?

    As best as I can recall there line in either a 1948 paper or discussion of that paper by George Hutchinson that states that at least some scientists had begun to be concerned about the possibility of global warming in the 1920's.

    The paper is in Vol 50 of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences and was presented at what was probably the first formal meeting about feedback systems in biology and ecology. The title of the paper is "Circular Causal Systems in Ecology" and is about lake chemistry.

  10. Well, Anonymous 9/9/08 6:50 PM, I certain hope it starts cooling again before Manhattan is several feet under water, don't you?

  11. Susan...

    Yup. Sure do. I live in a coastal city on the other side of the continent. The beach is fine right where it is.

    Should have made it clear those 1920's scientists were worried about HUMAN caused global warming. Regrets.

    My lame point was that it took another 20 years to get to models that would allow them to make the point and another 20 to start compiling and presenting the evidence.

    The scariest thing is that one prominent researcher thinks we've gone past the point of no return as far a doing real damage. It's not like we can say, "Who knew?" or "Why didn't someone say something?"

    My brother heard the guy who figured out that we were being poisoned by the led in gasoline present his findings. The man just about went nuts because folks were ignoring the evidence. That was about 1967.


  12. Well, Anonymous 9/9/08 6:50 PM, I certain hope it starts cooling again before Manhattan is several feet under water, don't you?
    K Susan, try to pay attention, global warming is on hold for 10 years.

  13. >>>K Susan, try to pay attention, global warming is on hold for 10 years.>>>

    Great. I'll make sure I'm out of Manhattan in ten years before it starts flooding.

  14. 10 years... plenty of time to build an ark?

    Seems like anything approaching sanity is on hold for ten years and has been on hold for almost eight years. Maybe we are trying to set a record for powerful nation goes wacko just because... I'd give a reason but that's the problem.

    Oh... better visit Venice now. Too bad about the Netherlands. So long Galveston and much of Houston.
