Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cartoon for September 8

I would've added David Dinkins, NYC's first black mayor and a disaster, to the list if there was a newspaper in NYC that published my cartoons.


  1. Umm... wow... eerie when you see it like that. I don't even know if I can really argue it. But given what happens to minorities and women who really stand up for themselves... it's castigation or death usually, right?

  2. You forgot Bobby Jindal.

    (the surprise twist is that he's actually competent!)

  3. Okay, Ted, you're starting to scare me.

    I'm scared because I'm not sure you have any idea how right you are! All my working life, I have seen some of the most incompetent and/or corrupt women and other minorities promoted to positions of leadership.

    Meanwhile, I've also watched far too many extremely intelligent, talented, compassionate and skilled women and minorities waste away at jobs in which they are overqualified.

    This is why I, a hardcore liberal, am opposed to affirmative action. It might have been a good idea at the time, but it's become a means of rewarding the Uncle Toms and Phyllis Schlaflys of the world by the same Old Rich White Men who've been screwing everyone, including poor white men.

  4. Condi is a 2-fer because she's also an academic.

    Intellectuals are an incredibly small minority in the United States, and they're ridiculed relentlessly, even by people who have no business ridiculing them.

    Just think about how commonplace the kinds of things Edward says about me are.

  5. Do you all realise we're voting for the Vice-President, not the President in this election?

  6. Ted, you're making me rue the (hopefully temporary) fall of Hillary even before Hillary has fully fallen (albeit temporarily, as mentioned). So right are you.

  7. I do wish Obama would turn into a fire-breathing socialist, but I guess the conventional wisdom is that nobody wants an angry black man in the white house (except for me, although any color would do).

  8. Where does Janet Reno fall here? hmm.

    I'm afraid that you're focusing many minds upon the standouts, but forgetting the ooh so many white male flops also. Halo effect and all of that.

  9. I thought about including Janet. She was a little dated, though. She was a mass murderess at Waco, though--a dismal failure.

  10. Ted, the purges are about to start. The "Firing" of Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann are just the beginning. Watch your ass. I wonder, whose attic are we gonna hide in?? Dorme bene...

  11. The United States is not going to survive this. We're so far beyond the pale of screwed that I don't expect to make it to an attic.

    Although, if Ted wants to hide in my attic, it's not bad if you don't mind the low ceiling.

  12. "I wonder, whose attic are we gonna hide in?? Dorme bene..."

    I have begun the process of attaining Italian citizenship. Eventhough I want McCain to win, I would rather watch the collapse from a safe distance.
    Europe, here I come! Have fun paying for imperial wars while your nation crumbles around you.


    peace out

  13. Hmmm....

    1.Cosby-esque president with Hello Kitty backdrop and a still-in-flux generic white-haired V.P.

    2. Crazed P.O.W. in striped pajamas with Miss Alaska V.P.

    I'm still undecided.

  14. So style does not equal substance? It's the nature of American culture - the people who find a way to stand out are not the ones who do their jobs well (nor are they always best students - cheaters aren't always caught). One of the most unethical people I know is a judge. May be due to these people trying to find ways other than intelligence and hard work to get somewhere in life. It's too hard and boring to try to figure out who does his/her job well. However, I don't think it's only unqualified minorities and women who get to high political positions - or do you think our current president was the most qualfied person for the job?

  15. Sarracuda (is that yours, Ted? Brilliant.) may even be on a shorter cycle than most.

    When she drops out -- oh, I mean, "is hounded from the race by the liberal media," after having collected a significant slab of absentee votes, which O.W.M. will replace her in the bait-and-switch?

  16. Palin would be a great unifying force if she were successful in staying on the ticket and getting elected.

    Given what we're hearing about her racism, black/native American/Inuit churches would be gathering daily to pray fervently for the health of Pres. McCain.

  17. To anonymous... no, Jindahl is easily in the Condi category. Toady, through and through. Let's say that other Indians aren't exactly proud of a pro-life, gay-baiting, anti-immigration, converted Hindu (to Christianity) who can support Bush's policies internationally. And he doesn't even go by his birth name. It's one thing to say conservatism is legitimate. It's another to be a spineless accommodating shill of the GOP. I will never vote for him.

  18. Dennis, Hillary is toast, whether Obama wins (ojalá!) or Palin does.

    Ted, only you would be able to get away with indicting Janet Reno as a mass murderess for Waco and not get called nasty names here. Bravo, sir!

  19. "I wonder, whose attic are we gonna hide in?? Dorme bene..."

    I have begun the process of attaining Italian citizenship. Eventhough I want McCain to win, I would rather watch the collapse from a safe distance.
    Europe, here I come! Have fun paying for imperial wars while your nation crumbles around you."

    - angelo

    ...and you get to deal with fascisti slimeballs like Silvio Berlusconi [sic?], the shit TV shows Berlusconi's networks run, cops who put up pictures of Mussolini in the interrogation chamber when they deal with WTO protestors, and spastic driving.

    - Strelnikov

  20. sds: He's a policy wonk and good with bureaucracy and competently handled Gustav, though.

  21. and you get to deal with fascisti slimeballs like Silvio Berlusconi [sic?], the shit TV shows Berlusconi's networks run, cops who put up pictures of Mussolini in the interrogation chamber when they deal with WTO protestors, and spastic driving.

    Yeah, but think of all the great food.

  22. Strelnikov makes a good point. Not only does every country have it's problems, but the global problems the US contributes to aren't going to go away if you just run to another country. It would be a self-indulgent option and nothing more.

    There's no escape. Just accept the retard generation until the nukes fly.

  23. "Italy is no better than the US"
    Yes it is, but I never said I was living in Italy. Once I get my citizenship, I can live anywhere in the EU.

    "[running away to Europe] would be a self-indulgent option and nothing more."

    Half your US taxes go to the military, Aggie. It does not have to be this way. In Europe, you can fly almost anywhere for about $15. The mass transit is better, the people are cooler and more educated, the food is better, the women are more down to earth. The list goes on and on.

    I'm looking at Berlin. I am already lining up under-the-table handyman jobs and english-teaching jobs over there.

    You can stick it out in this shithole as long as you want, but I suggest you stop supporting an imperialist war machine.
    Let the brain drain begin.

  24. Half your US taxes go to the military
    You're wrong. In the 2009 proposed budget:

    # $515.4 billion - United States Department of Defense
    # $145.2 billion - Global War on Terror

    Out of a $3.1 trillion budget.

  25. Half your US taxes go to the military
    You're wrong. In the 2009 proposed budget:

    You forgot interest payments on past military expenditures. Hope this helps.

    thanks for playing.

  26. "I'm looking at Berlin. I am already lining up under-the-table handyman jobs and english-teaching jobs over there.

    You can stick it out in this shithole as long as you want, but I suggest you stop supporting an imperialist war machine.
    Let the brain drain begin."
    - angelo

    "Under the table jobs" in Germany mean that you are pretty much their slave AND the cops can arrest you for not having the correct paperwork...the job market in Germany is pretty much like the US job market, so it's going to be tough. I have nothing against living in another country (I will need to live in Lebanon, Israel, or one of the Gulf states to work the sort of job I'm planning to do), what I'm against is this belief that you can find some sort of Utopia outside of the US that has nothing to do with the US. It used to be you could defect to a Warsaw Pact state (if you knew something they needed) and laugh at the US; now, you would have to flee to North Korea (which treated willing defectors pretty badly) or maybe Zimbabwe (threw out all the Europeans) to have nothing to do with the US; hell, even Antarctica has American bases! So it's better to try to change things from the imperial center than run away from "the shithole" and be constantly reminded of it from the pages of "Der Spiegel", "Berliner Morgenpost", "Berliner Zeitung", "Frankfurter Allegmeine Zeitung", and the German-langugae version of "Time."

    - Strelnikov

  27. nice try Angelo:

    BTW if you had any guts you'd renounce your US citizenship. Instead you'll take dual citizenship in case things don't pan out on the continent.

  28. "if you had any guts you'd renounce your US citizenship. Instead you'll take dual citizenship in case things don't pan out on the continent"

    Every European loves to take really long vacations in the US. They just don;t want to raise their kids here.

    Do you really get your reality from the Whitehouse?

  29. "So it's better to try to change things from the imperial center than run away from "the shithole" and be constantly reminded of it from the pages of "Der Spiegel", "Berliner Morgenpost", "Berliner Zeitung", "Frankfurter Allegmeine Zeitung", and the German-langugae version of "Time.""

    You are dreaming if you think we can change anything here. They will change eventually, but it does not mean we need to stick around, wasting our life here.
    I don't want to spend thousands a year on wars I don't believe in, and healthcare I will never use.

    I don't have to stay in Berlin, that is just where I have friends. go check out, and see how cheap it is to fly from berlin to Milan.

  30. This cartoon is seriously funny, though I started to cry with extreme heartbreak once I stopped laughing.
