Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cartoon for September 4

This is supposed to go out tomorrow, but I couldn't wait.


  1. ROFL . . . .dude, I was just commenting this morning on your previous post at how Palin is McCain's first administration pick, and if it continues this way it's going to be horrendous.

    LOL....good one, Ted!

    DISCLAIMER: If he taps me to be Sec. of Education, I will disavowal myself of the previous comment, of course.

    I could be secretary of Education, that'd be great.

  2. Oh, Ted is all over this one! WTG!

  3. I could be Sec of Education too, Ted! Tell McCain i came in 2nd in a couple spelling bees. Statewide! In Alaska!

  4. I think it's important to point out that Ted has been disparaging Obama on all the key-note points (inexperience, lack of substance, inconsistent war record) that the Repugs are now doing.

    If not Obama/Biden, Sarah Palin, and all the other right wing cronies that McCain is going to select for top government positions, will be continuing to run this country into the ground.

    And for our inability as a society to go out on general strike until this $*(& changes, we deserve it.

  5. I'll take Timmy the paperboy ANY day over Larry Summers.

  6. I'm so sick of Palin. The spin is unbelievable. This hockey mom is so clueless that she somehow forgot to teach her daughter the basics of sex. Penis insertion can make babies. That she's lauded instead of excoriated by the conservatives and Christians is mind-boggling.

  7. We live in a country that allows everyone to speak their mind openly, even a cartoonist. I'm much more impressed with deeds rather than words and in McCain and Palin there are deeds of intregrity. I love this country and think that we need people in the white house that are not "self" serving. We wonder why our jobs are going overseas, the answer is simple, a lot of our work force doesn't do an honest days work for their pay. We all need to pull together to put this country back on the right road. Every great civilization has crumbled from within due to greed and corruption. Our country is no different and is well on the way to decline. I belive that McCain and Palin have the integrity that our country needs. "May God help us to Unite these United States"

  8. VMAX, almost nothing you wrote makes sense. That you can come to the conclusions you apparently have is, to quote Tony, "mind-boggling."

    Our society is in decline because people love their country as a six year old lovers her mommy -Everything mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes mommy is bad- instead of loving their country like an adult.

    You love your country eh? Why don't you start demonstrating that love by learning critical thinking skills.

    "in McCain and Palin there are deeds of intregrity." WHAT deeds? WHAT integrity (INTEGRITY)?

  9. Ted, what the heck is up with these psychotic raids on our North-Western border?


    Khi, Sindh

  10. Boy, a lot of repubs didn't seem to happy with McCain's "I answer to no party" schtick. All they got is fear that they created. Just like the DEA, these guys are so in to self-perpetuation. Why else is Cheney tooling around the former satelltes for? I'm not an Obama supporter, but this game has got to stop. Have you seen the video of Saakashvilli eating his tie?? 1 billion dollars. Jesus wept. Dorme bene

  11. Aggie dude, I'm sorry that I didn't go into enough depth for you to understand my "thinking" by the way "critical thinking "consists of mental processes of discernment, analysis and evaluation. It includes possible processes of reflecting upon a tangible or intangible item in order to form a solid judgment that reconciles scientific evidence with common sense. In contemporary usage "critical" has a certain negative connotation that does not apply in the present case; the term "analytical thinking" may more accurately convey the idea. Does this help? As far as Intregrity, example McCain in pow camp refusing early release because it was against the prisoner code of ethics. Example .. Palin .. getting rid of extravagant perks from the Gov's office. She didn't have to do that but it was the right thing to do. I hope this helps, I'm trying to keep it brief and not write editorials in the blog space.

  12. Aggie dude, I'm sorry that I didn't go into enough depth for you to understand my "thinking" by the way "critical thinking "consists of mental processes of discernment, analysis and evaluation. It includes possible processes of reflecting upon a tangible or intangible item in order to form a solid judgment that reconciles scientific evidence with common sense. In contemporary usage "critical" has a certain negative connotation that does not apply in the present case; the term "analytical thinking" may more accurately convey the idea. Does this help? As far as Intregrity, example McCain in pow camp refusing early release because it was against the prisoner code of ethics. Example .. Palin .. getting rid of extravagant perks from the Gov's office. She didn't have to do that but it was the right thing to do. I hope this helps, I'm trying to keep it brief and not write editorials in the blog space.

  13. I loved Jon Voight's voiceovers for the Republican convention. Especially the 9/11 tribute. You think he talks to his daughter?? Dorme bene

  14. All your post-Palin cartoons are great! Late night comedians are making lots of jokes on her. That is very easy, does not need much thinking.

    As expected, your cartoons and articles on Palin issue are thought provoking. Keep up the good work.

    Meanwhile, you should be happy about this pick, as you mentioned before Obama's win would be great for cartoonists like you. Now either way, you should be happy (as cartoonist only). Truth is, we all are screwed up.

    Vote for Cynthia McKinney!

  15. What, pray tell, is the "prisoner code of ethics?"

  16. Ted why do you hate AMERICA? Timmy is an AMERICAN. What is more AMERICAN than the paper boy? Why do you think he should'nt be the second choice of a McCain presidency? After all, he does manage billings, and, has INTREGRITY! as vmaxx92 calls it.

    The wartime prisoner code of ethics was ... the first in was the first to leave. McCain was offered early release but there were others there who had been there longer than he so he refused. If I read it correctly, that cost him four more years of tourture. Thanks for asking.

  18. anonymous@9/5/08 3:52 PM,

    Do you think a father-daughter relationship would be severed by a measly thing like electoral politics?

    The wartime prisoner code of ethics was ... the first in was the first to leave. McCain was offered early release but there were others there who had been there longer than he so he refused. If I read it correctly, that cost him four more years of tourture. Thanks for asking.

    I can't believe you buy into this bullshit.

    Wait...yes I can. But that being said, how would a POW have a choice for early release from their captors? Further, do you know how many other POWs there were at the time?

    BTW, No, your explanation was not satisfying, but it's OK.

  20. aggie dude,
    There is no need to attack me, I dare say that we want the same things. I want you and your family to have peace and prosperity. I guess that we just have some different ides on what it will take to reach those goals. I'm very open minded and willing to look at facts. I have been duped before by e-mails ect of improper facts but I do try to search out, if possible,any information that I read to be sure that it is truth. We don't know anything about each other so it is foolish to attack each other in verbal jousting,I won't get into that type of situation. Lets work together to solve the problems in this land. I'm not happy with everything Bush did, nor was I happy with everything Clinton did, Obama has some great ideas but so does the other side, Lets remember that we are American's , not one party or the other. Not irish American,not african American, just American's with the same goals that when applied in unity can work for the betterment of the whole country.
    I'm sorry for turning my letters backwards when I spelled integrity , it is a problem that I have had all of my life and worked hard to overcome. (dislexia) I had a really bad migrain that day and was doing good just to see the screen, but in future post I may turn many letters around, I'll try to be more careful but at least it made some of you smile so it is a good thing. Have a great day.

  21. VMAXX92, I have not attacked you, I have simply questioned the statements you have made, and challenge that they don't demonstrate critical thinking skills. I'm addressing the content of what you have written, and your last post was a tactical deviation to the rhetoric of friendship, while missing the points themselves. I challenged specifics, address those.

    I quoted you, typos and all, that wasn't an attack. It was a quote.
