Saturday, May 23, 2009

As They Slept In Late

Clever guy, Barack Obama. Launches the biggest attack against basic American jurisprudence in history the Friday before the long Memorial Day weekend, figuring that by the time Tuesday rolls around, a hung-over nation fattened on BBQ won't have noticed.

I refuse to act like the Republicans who stuck by Bush after he crossed the line between garden-variety piggishness to authoritarian psycho. I regret not listening to my libertarian friends who warned me that Obama had dictatorial tendencies. They were right.

Bush was bad. Bush was evil.

Obama is worse than Bush.

Preventive detention marks the death knell of American democracy.


  1. There is a far better chance that the current right-wing SCOTUS will uphold habeas corpus and the Constitution than Obama and the surrender donkeys. Which is pretty sad.

  2. Most American won't protest because they've bought into the idea that this is just for the "bad guys". By the time their door is kicked-in and they're being hauled away there won't be anyone left to stand up for their rights.

  3. Ted, I couldn't agree more. I wasn't overjoyed, by any stretch, when I voted for Obama, but I still slept comfortably with that decision. But now... this is too far.

    Jesus, as much as I agree with your point, I would like to mention that even if preventative detention never touches the lives of 'average citizens,' this is still an outrage. Even if preventative detention is relegated solely to 'enemy combatants' it is a grave attack on the values that our country claims to stand on.

    I feel like the old bosnian cello player from Dead Winter Dead, crying to the empty sky upon seeing his newly-freed country wracked by civil war: When we prayed for change, please understand, this isn't what we meant.

  4. Jesus X. Crutch,

    That's why I have a loaded shotgun next to me at all times.

  5. Probably alot of people won't post on your blog for fear of recrination. I LOVE YOU TED!!!

  6. Also, did anyone notice Obama quietly mentioning last month that he has no intention of reopening negotiations over NAFTA? Wasn't there a campaign promise about that somewhere?

  7. That's what happens when you vote for someone based upon their (half) race.

  8. Life under the Future President.
    Who insists "we" can't afford to look back - like prosecuting any past war criminals - but must keep "moving forward" into the future. This means that we must instead imprison and punish only people who MAY commit crimes in the Future.

  9. For Jove's sake don't start quoting "libertarian friends". You hook up with Libertarians, and you're definitely on the wrong track.

  10. I think we should embrace the excitement of the times we live in. . extraordinary rendition, preventive warfare, preventive dismantling of social programs (cutting social security benefits NOW because we MIGHT have to in 2050), preventive detention, criminal leadership.

    Just imagine the stories you could tell your grandchildren about "the old republic, before the Dark Times, before the Empire"....that is, if you survive.

    Yeah, I think Ted is starting to become a libertarian. He should see things my way....libertarianism's one flaw is that it short changes the inevitable presence of social structure and collective patterns of social control. It's not their fault, they're just illiterate when it comes down to it.

  11. Political capital is a precious commodity. Obama simply does not consider Habaeas Corpus important enough to spend his political capital to defend. He also is up against a machine and as a person he can only do so much, unless there is a Habeas Corpus movement. Rumours say (according to Ray McGovern) that Obama and Pelosi are quite a little bit "scared" of the Pentagon and the Clandestine Services. If the President and speaker of the House are "scared" of their own state organs of security, then I think there is more to your objections against the poor man (Obama) than meets the eye.

    Here is Ray McGovern, thirty yea veteran of the CIA speaking of this:
    "Who's Afraid of the CIA"

    Is this a third world country like Pakistan, where the Head of State is scared of his soldiers and spies, or is this America?



  12. Worse than Bush my ass. When he allows terrorists to hit us on our own soil for political gain, then you can start to make that comparison, not before.

    Personally, I think Obama is smarter than you and is playing you- He says stuff like the "indefinite detention" quotes in the speech to placate the majority of idiots in this country, knowing full well he'll never be allowed to set something like that up (Feingold has already announced his intention to stop any such program before it starts). That way he can claim "Well, I tried." to those idiots whose votes he still needs (at least until we make it illegal for the stupid to vote).

    And really, where you gonna go, huh? Gonna help the Republicans get back in power by throwing your vote away on third parties, making the problems you claim to care about so much worse?

    Bitch and moan all you like, but the fact remains that of the two electable candidates, Obama remains the far better choice (I am convinced that if McCain had won, the nukes would be flying by now) and your constant refusal to acknowledge that reality makes you look bad, not him.

  13. When he allows terrorists to hit us on our own soil , . . . '

    This is the kind of hysterical paranoia that can lead to illegal "wars, " like the ones we're in now.

    Terrorists have significantly hit us on our own soil just once, and that was thanks to willful negligence on the part of the administration at that time

  14. I think you meant to write "Preventive detention sounds the death knell of American democracy".

  15. I agree with Anon 10 AM...constantly harping on this particular issue takes Ted out of the legitimate discussion about other quality of life issues, and claiming that this one issue sounds the death knell of American democracy is sort of feeble, because if that were the case, American democracy died a long time ago. I think Ted is just throwing everything out the window because of one issue, which has been his hallmark.

  16. Anon 10:02 -- I think Obama is smarter than you and is playing you... he can claim "Well, I tried." to those idiots whose votes he still needsHow nostalgic. I remember hearing the exact same argument during Al Gore's 2000 campaign: Al doesn't really hate everything you stand for, he's just saying that to fool the rubes into voting for him. "You have to read between the lines" is a direct quote I remember. Boooooyyyyoboy, that tactic sure did help Al Gore win the country in a landslide.

    Despite all the paid consultants, despite all the top-secret agencies and debriefing, despite ECHELON and wiretapping, I have never in my lifetime seen evidence that an elected politician understood any of the political problems confronting this country better than me and my common sense did at the time. All their highfalootin' super-secret 2nd-order politico-economic strategems have always blown up in their faces. Vote for the guy who represents your interests, and if he fails to do so after election, throw him out of office. You are his boss, not vice versa.

  17. Here's one thing I will say for the lame-ass Democrats:

    They do play footsie with the corporate bastards just like the RepubliKKKans do. However, that said, environmental regulations and the health of our parklands and wilderness areas are much better off than in the hands of those filthy RepubliKlansmen.

    This is the sole reason that Democrats always get my vote.

    The CIA is still gonna assassinate. The USArmed forces are still going to commit mass murder. But, for whatever reason, the industrial pigs just don't seem to get everything they want when Democrats legislate.

  18. ellwort: That was my point! Bush's handlers through willful negligence deliberately allowed terrorists to hit us on our own soil. Unless and until Obama does the same he's never going to be anywhere as bad as Bush, let alone worse.

    Exhibit_B: Al Gore DID win the election. That the victory was subsequently fraudulently taken from him does nothing to diminish the success of the strategy.

  19. ...unless you're talking about, for example, Greenhouse Gases.

  20. You guys are getting way too bogged down in the Democrat vs Republican nuances you've been trained to focus on. Both parties are 99% identical... Obama, Bush, Gore, Clinton, Eisenhower, Nixon, Carter... They are all fulfilling the duties which they swore to uphold.

    These duties focus on increasing and maintaining American power. Obama can just as easily shift from being a "socialist" to a "fascist" in the same breath. He's trying to run things and is willing to change his colors as often as he needs to! Wasn't it Cicero who said something to the effect of "I won't let what I said stop me"?

    All "great" men don't let words, actions, promises, or statements impede them. If you want to focus on the real problem, it's the ultimate goal of american politics! Obama (and the rest of the government) are just vessels for this.

  21. Can't anyone in that office put the defense of the constitution first? It feels like it is the one thing that the leader at 1600 Penn. Ave. wishes would just go away. "I could really get some work done quickly if it weren't for that silly document in the Natl. Archives."


  22. Libertarians believe in destroying democracy and putting us under completely unaccountable ultimate tyrannies - corporations - that we also have to worship as "persons" - immortal, almighty and sociopathic persons.

    If you're listening to your "libertarian friends" about "Obama's dictatorial tendencies," Ted?

    You're being an abject moron, frankly. You're straining at the "abuse of democracy, government and the Constitution" gnat and swallowing the "who cares how the government's run, it's been replaced with fascism and feudalism anyway!" camel.

  23. Obama's political capital is running out because credibility is getting lower by the day. What is he actually going do ?

    Stimulus package ?
    Shaped by Republicans, got zero Republican votes.

    Investigate torture ?
    No we won't.

    Fix the banks ?
    He colluded with them instead to deceive the public about their health.

    Health care ?
    Let's see what the insurance companies propose.

    Iran ?
    Said nice things, but no action. Iranians called his bluff.

    Financial system ?
    Status quo.

    Constitution ?
    Keep ignoring it.

    Economy ?
    Let's just say it's getting better (it's not).

    Honestly, this guy has been a HUGE disappointment. I mean, it's ok to make some mistakes, but he seems unable to do ANYTHING. Worse still, he says all the right things. In his speeches and even his sound bytes he sounds like he gets it, but then he does the exact opposite. I can't stand to listen to him anymore, it's just insult on top of injury.

    Prediction: when the financial system crashes *again*, which it will because none of the underlying fraud or problems are being addressed, Obama's credibility will go to zero. Whether this takes a year or two years is up for grabs, but I'd wager it will happen before the end of his first term. Maybe then we'll get a Nazi regime or something. At least they won't have to change any laws.

  24. Libertarians can't be painted with the broad brush a few here have tried to paint them with. Noam Chomsky considers himself a libertarian socialist. Does he "worship" corporations? Just asking.

    Ted: keep listening to your libertarian friends, so long as they use the lowercase.

  25. Marion Delgado,

    You're confusing Libertarians and corporatists. Some corporatists do call themselves libertarians. This is for convenience. Abolishing laws against polluting, union busting, and unsafe products sounds more appealing when its pitched as economic freedom for all rather than enhanced profits for a few.

    Some corporatists don't call themselves Libertarians. They call themselves Democrats. This is also a convenience. Bailing out the banks sounds better if we're saving the economy for the little guy rather than bailing out the rich and incompetent. That way Barry, Helicopter Ben, and the Weasel Geitner can indemnify financial institutions against losses loans made without proof of income.

    Don't blame Libertarians for the coming corporate oligarchy. Real Libertarians are horrified by the way the state overreaches to enhance corporate power. Real Libertarians are also don't approve of the state not enforcing the law to protect the rights of the little guy against corporations when the law is on his side. I'm guessing you've never met a real Libertarian.

  26. "Huge disappointment"

    Worse. THIS was supposed to be hope - & change in your pocket.

    Naomi Klein has said we can't afford to be (merely) disappointed by Obama. It's time to take to the streets again.

    See you out there soon; it'll be great to see you again.

  27. Roman,
    The Republicans did not shape Obama's stimulus package. Obama said they did. he lied.

    Frankly I am amazed that you Statists are disappointed in Dear Leader. He had zero qualifications to run, except he could smile and sound articulate reading from a teleprompter. There were some saying that his qualification to be President was that he ran and won the primaries to be President.

    Unfortunately your hatred for anything remotely republican blinded you.

    You sowed it, now you reap it.

  28. Boy you guys sound just like all of my Republican friends way back in January of 2002 when I was telling them Bush was the worst possible president at the worst possible time -- and that his policies were going to ruin the country.

    They said "oh no! he's great" and "you're reading too much into this" and "give him a chance"

    Quit thinking with your monkey brain. Bush was awful, Obama is worse. Goodbye Republic, hello Empire.
