Friday, May 15, 2009

Tortured Logic, Tortured Actions

The Book of Genesis said that god would agree not to destroy Sodom if there were at least ten good people living there. There weren't, so Sodom was destroyed.

To put this in more modern terminology, if there aren't enough good people left in the country, the shit goes down . . . not necessarily by god, but simply as a result of the people's own actions.


Susan Stark


  1. That seems reasonable, been good knowing ya.

  2. I was going to post a comment, but I hadn't posted the comment to any male posters. I don't want to be accused of being sexist, so I won't post it. I wouldn't want to hurt Ms Stark;s feelings.

  3. I feel like the next time I see you Susan, you're going to be on a street corner screaming about the end of days.

  4. The day that you see me standing on a street corner shouting the "end of days" will be the day that everyone else is shouting the same thing.

    Sorry, but I don't do crazy. Sean Hannity is much better at it than I am.

  5. Mr. Rall obviously believes in the Theory of the 100th Monkey.

  6. Mr. Rall obviously believes in the Theory of the 100th Monkey.Like human's are responsible for global warming? Or AlGore is brilliant? Or John Kerry is a war hero? Or my favorite one: college professors aren't left-wing statist. Don't believe me? Just ask one.
