Monday, May 11, 2009

Reader Poll: Which Book Do You Want More?

I'm thinking of publishing a high-quality (hard back, nice printing) limited-edition run of my next book. The content will be one of the following:

A Best of the Early '90s cartoon collection
A collection of my longer essays

The cartoon collection would bring together the best stuff from Waking Up in America and All The Rules Have Changed, both out of print, along with other previously unpublished (in books) stuff from before 1996. It will focus on Clinton's first term, with a view toward doing sequel books for Clinton's second term, Bush's first term, Bush's second term and, someday, Obama's first term. There would also be some background and comments throughout.

The essay collection would bring together the long essays I wrote for Link, Might, P.O.V. and other late, great magazines that are no longer with us. Topics range from Gen X to romance to Lake Sarez in Tajikistan.

The cost per copy would probably be fairly high, like $40, because of the low print run.

Do you think you would buy one or both of these books?
If so, would you be willing to commit (by paying for it via PayPal) in advance?
Which one do you prefer? Is there something you'd like to see more?

Please post your comments or email me and let me know. Thanks in advance!


  1. Having recently purchased "America Gone Wild" I'd have to say that I like your writing as much as your comics. So, both. However I would not want to process any transaction through paypal as I disagree strongly with some of their policies and past behavior. Otherwise, keep it up Ted, I can't believe how effectively you clarify some issues for me. It is very much appreciated.

  2. I'll take one, but only because I happen to have money right this second. It might not be the case soon...

  3. Of the options presented, I would be more apt to buy the essay collection. I would, however by more interested in a hybrid of cartoons and essays, possibly following a general theme (i.e. Central Asia, job losses).

  4. Love all of your work. My interest would be in supporting it. A collection that showcases your recent work was my first choice. But what about all the genius stuff from earlier? What about a whole collection of Ted Rall start to finish? Uh oh. All right what about timing? I mean, I love the political and it would be hard to beat what has recently transpired, but would that get people to look at let alone buy. As fans, supporting either is definite. I would love to show off your opinions and mine but would anyone read it if it was on the coffee table? I mean we all know how correct we were in things we saw and predicted. But without being in the current state the columns and cartoons won't grab people as they really should. (u should be more famous than schultz) So maybe I just buy a big piece of art from you and call it a day.

  5. An essay collection feels better as a permanent purchase (I get most stuff at the library).

  6. I would prefer the essays (I do also like the hybrid idea). I would be willing to pay in advance.

  7. Essays.

    Though it might be a few months before I'm flush enough to buy the book.

  8. Probably the essays. Maybe you could get Joe Bageant to write an intro.

    Or the cartoons would be good, too.

  9. While I'd favor a deluxe, hardbound book of your strips lushly printed in full color, I'd buy both books, and I'll gladly pay in advance via Paypal. With the crazy prices that some publishers charge for comics collections, forty dollars seems totally reasonable.

  10. essays if you do as you have in the past and include cartoons sprinkled through it.

  11. I would use paypal for one of your comic books to support you because I enjoy your editorial viewpoints (I'm no art critic but you're not as good as Bill Waterson with his watercolors).

    But what I enjoy most and have paid the most for (and would pay again) is probably the most difficult for you. It is your travel into backwater shitholes where natural resources are grabbed and hauled away while local populations centuries old get pissed and become terrorists in order to try and reclaim dignity and feed their families. I know it sucks to travel to central asia but you are good at it and those graphic novels and travelogues are what I enjoy reading and paying for when you write them. It's probably a lot easier and you would rather be a well paid professional cartoonist and editorialist but sadly those jobs are taken by wishy washy dweebs.

    You're hard core and need to get back to the places where the bad stuff happens. Bolivia has the worlds largest lithium deposits surrounded by people with no money and no food and corporations want that lithium for batteries. No one needs to mention piracy and the link to North Afriican coasts and oil. Malaysia, Nepal, Tibet all sent millions of workers to the middle east to fill US and Saudi work camps where they are indentured and paid dollars per day to build SABIC and ExxonMobil plants. Who knows where the next war will erupt. What we should know is that the back story will not be about liberating these people but will be about making sure that the resources these people sit on top of do not get sold at market rates.

    We pay you the most for those insights.


  12. Have you considered print on demand from ? You get to keep your rights from the get-go.

  13. As someone who has bought "Wake Up, You're a Liberal" , Attitude 1 and 2, and 2024 (Which I loved) I would have to vote in favor of a Hardcover Edition of your best essays. Especially if it had some of your cartoons placed with articles where they can both deliver a point.

    One purpose I would like is to have something I can easily reference when pointing out that you (often characterized as MUCH TOO FAR to the left to be part of the acceptable dialog) are correct on your facts AND your predictions much more often than say, Friedman or Brooks or George Will. Dates for columns that made predictions would be a great thing to include. Perhaps with follow-up commentary on events that have happened since then.

    Good luck with this!

  14. Ted --

    I think an essay book would be preferable, with a very small number of what you think are your best cartoons relevant to the essays.

    I think essays alone would be too disjointed as a book without some kind of glue... a retrospective consideration of things, something to tie things together and that looks to the future as well.

  15. Yes and yes. Make sure they don't skimp on the binding materials though.

  16. Rats, it looks as though the essays win. I'd buy the comics, even though I have both "Waking Up" and "All the Rules", it would be nice to have the cartoons in a good hardcover edition. But Ted, if PayPal is the only way I'll be able to get your book, you can keep it.

  17. I'd probably by the cartoons, but I can't commit to it ahead.
