Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Animation Coming

My newest animation is "Dharma Bums," a simultaneous hat tip to "Lost"--one of my favorite shows--and a send-up of the torture policy that led to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed getting waterboarded 183 times in one month. Because, you know, 182 times just ain't enough.

Anyway, the video goes up at 4 pm East Coast time. Hope you like it!


  1. With a title like that, no tip of the hat to Jack Kerouac?

  2. Well Khalid can be thankful he didn't have to be waterboarded a 184th time. If he gave up the information when he saw what was about to happen to him THE FIRST TIME he wouldn't have to be waterboarded 183 times.
    Torture? LOL If the guy could take it that many times it ain't torture!
    When the enemy capture Americans they just cut your head off ONCE!
