Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cartoon for May 25, 2009

Barack Obama reneged on his promise to release 2000+ photos of prisoner abuse by US troops. Because, you know, the Afghans and Iraqis aren't already pissed.


  1. Oh dear oh dear... Now you've done it, Ted. "Our precious Troops" in an ironic tone? Are you suggesting that there might be principles more crucial to America than the mere slogan "Support The Troops"?

    Boy are you gonna get reamed. It's gonna be Pat Tillman PLUS Terror Widows. I trust you will keep in mind, as you have before, that these people don't really "support" the troops. They are merely in love with the idea of someone else taking the risk so they won't have to live up to the responsibilities that come with the privileges of being an American. In short, moral cowards.

    If they really cared about the well-being of the troops, for instance, they would join the millions of voices calling for their return home. The troops couldn't really BE in any more danger than they are in right now unless we made them fight under the sea or in space or something. That is why they keep coming back without their arms/legs/eyes/lives/sanity.

    These "supporters" no more want to bring the boys back home than they want to admit the reality that American taxpayers funded what was perhaps history's greatest Homo Rape Fantasy Camp. They'd rather swallow THAT than admit a crime committed in our name.

    With such support, our troops don't need enemies.

  2. Ah, the old storm troopers. They must be coddled and cosseted. At all cost.

  3. If they really cared about the well-being of the troops, for instance, they would join the millions of voices calling for their return home. The troops couldn't really BE in any more danger than they are in right now unless we made them fight under the sea or in space or something.Part of the problem is the idea that no matter where the troops are or what they're doing, they are "defending our freedoms." Of course, it should be obvious that a soldier in Baghdad getting blown up (or blowing someone up) has no real effect on our freedoms one way or another. And really, that should make people angry. Not only are the troops (and other people in occupied countries) dying, they're dying for no good reason. But no, troops are automatically fighting for our freedoms no matter where they are or what they're doing, and when they die it's a noble sacrifice. If only people could get past that, you'd see a lot more people opposing the current wars and war in general.

  4. and the scariest killer is the one that thinks itself a victim.

    Alot of the early nazi propaganda is saying "look what they are doing to us".
