Saturday, September 29, 2007

Cartoon for September 29

Click on the cartoon to see it larger.


  1. me: it should be illegal to cover celebs.
    some guy: but the news only covers OJ because it sells.
    me: why doesn't the news just show porn?
    some guy: you're not serious
    me: neither are you

  2. And in other news, the Canadian dollar is now worth more than the US dollar...

    But let's hear more on OJ.

    I hope the jury lets OJ off again. This time, it will be a direct stab at the authoritarians in charge; OJ was put in 'de-facto' "Double Jeapordy" by the existing government that tries any and all means to get around that foundation of the constitution.

    It was either this; 1. A murderer got off with a stiff fine. -or- 2. An innocent man was being ruined financially for a crime he was not found guilty of.

    American justice is supposed to put the burden of proof on the prosecutor, the accuser, and when in doubt, especially for high stakes crimes, acquit. By default, a mistrial or hung jury should make it nearly impossible to try any case again. Likewise, an acquittal should not be overturnable, appealable or re-tryable under "Similar" charges, or "Federal instead of state" charges.

    From what little actual facts seem to have been leaked, OJ was trying to get his stuff back from some covetous pig who stole them. Oh, he bought them after the law stole them from OJ... Covetous pig. I don't give a damn if OJ did kill Nicole, I'd rather live in a society where he totally escaped than one where he was persecuted despite acquittal. OJ has a right to his money and his stuff.

    BTW-I think Kato did it. Really. Why? He Fucked Nicole, as if anyone hadn't. Nicole seemed to be a slut who'd spread for him for a diversion if she was low on coke. But Kato was a broke beach bum and no real prospects of fame and fortune. Nicole probably brushed him off, and he'd thought "I found true love" and that led to the murder.

    Remember on TV that openly racist cop dipping the glove in blood on TV? That alone should have ended the trial, along with his taped "We basically tortured them" interview.

  3. O.J. was found inocent of murder. If he is convicted of armed robery for stealing back what some guy bought at auction he'll go to jail. Now the question is who should go to trial for the armed robery of Iraq? Saddam swung. Who's left?

  4. To the extent our government is influenced by corporations, we have state sponsored media.

    When people stop watching TV, the interntet will be corporate, and TV will host the on-screen equivalent of the weekly rag (loads of local and raunchy ads puntuated by what used to be called journalism).
