Friday, April 24, 2009

Cartoon for April 23, 2009

Blogger has been acting tweaky lately. It took me 48 hours to get this cartoon to load. My apologies for the delay; wish me luck getting the next ones up there.


  1. I predict it takes 48 hours for this comment to load, if at all. Another wry cartoon Ted, what's very depressing to me is the fact that the goal of this torture was not so much to protect Americans as it was to extort false information about fictitious WMDs, Sadam's supposed involvement in 9-11 and other Bush/Cheney fever dreams.

  2. Right and the Iraqi General that gave himself up(obviously a trouble maker). Then was water boarded to death in a sleeping bag. Shamefull.

  3. LOL @ jackie mason's car bomb!

  4. I 2nd Jesus X. Crutch on this one. There are some serious issues that are being masked by the standard ritualistic patterns of 'investigation' here.

    I like your point about the precision, Ted. Scientific precision is a very effective tool in establishing authority, legitimacy and credibility to otherwise dubious or perhaps malicious acts. In a major way scientific precision is ritualized the establish meaning in the same way that religious ritual does. It quells any kind of critique.

    I was discussing this type of issue with a friend of mine the other day, he wondered why the Nazis went to such elaborate lengths to kill Jews, rather than just slaughter on site like what happened in Rwanda. I think it was the elaborate nature of the Holocaust was socially necessary to get the entire population to tolerate it.

    Let's consider some of the elaborate webs woven by our own collection of propagandists to keep people chasing imaginary bogeymen.....

    The idea that gays getting married threatens straight people who are married or want to get married.

    The idea that Christianity is under attack by the secularists.

    The idea that fluoride in the water supply is a Soviet plot to contaminate our fluids.

    The idea that evolution is "junk science" and that more scientists would come out against it if they didn't fear for their jobs.

    The idea that global warming is "junk science" and that more scientists would come out against it if they didn't fear for their jobs.

    So, given the elaborate, yet stupid, things that a large portion of Americans believe in that work against their own interests, what happens when you throw them an elaborate argument for something that they actually LIKE (which is hurting others, because this population was trained by the Cold War to fight Armageddon)...torture, abuse, belligerent warfare.

    Let's face it, half of your (and my) country-folk are chomping at the bit for an all out war on anyone they can define as the enemy.

    In that context, how simple is torture? Consider the success of movies like Saw (1...2..3..4..AND 5), Wolf Creek, Hostel, Last House on the Left. Torture is America's porn dude.

  5. In that context, how simple is torture? Consider the success of movies like Saw (1...2..3..4..AND 5), Wolf Creek, Hostel, Last House on the Left. Torture is America's porn dude.

    I always felt that watching these movies are pre-requisites for employment in Hell. After Armageddon, the Devil is gonna need some help down below.
    Dorme bene...

    P.S. the Jackie Mason gag rules!!!

  6. I take personal offense at those who question the Jackie Masonic conspiracy history.

    I was at the Catskills one day and Jackie Mason himself pointed down at the Earth and announced, "Listen, I run things around here, okay?"

  7. Global warming is junk science. That's why it is now called "climate change".
