Monday, April 13, 2009

The Year of Loving Dangerously, finito

Thus endeth the sneak preview from my upcoming graphic novel, "The Year of Loving Dangerously." Hope you like it.


  1. Ted, when is this coming out? Can I pre-order? I've never bought anything from you before, and yes I feel like I'm freeloading because I read your comics and columns the instant they come out.

    When and where and how?

  2. The book comes out this fall. Pre-orders will be possible this summer. Thanks for your interest, and watch this space!

  3. Alright Ted, you finally sold me - I will purchase this when it comes out in the fall. It will be the first piece of literature I've ever bought that was written by you (besides that book that had an unpublished artical by you). About time as well, seeing how as I've been a fan of your work since I was in highschool.

  4. I'm enjoying the artistic style and the storytelling thus ar has been fantastic. Should be good, sir!

  5. Why does the thief have a Puerto Rican flag in his apartment? Are you telling your readers that you think Puerto Ricans are thieves?

  6. "Why does the thief have a Puerto Rican flag in his apartment? Are you telling your readers that you think Puerto Ricans are thieves?"
    4:01 Anon.

    In this case this Nuyorican appears to have stolen the bike, so yes, this one Puerto Rican guy is a thief. in general they are not. Simple enough for you, ese?

    - Strelnikov

  7. Yes, Anonymous 4:01 PM. Ted is telling you in his autobiographical graphic novel that the thief had a Puerto Rican flag on his wall, and therefore all Puerto Ricans are thieves. How perceptive of you...

  8. Ted,
    Looked at 'Finito' and didn't understand it. Scrolled down. Ahhh! Now I know! But I refuse to look at the previews until the finished product is available for purchase in the fall.
    Ted! Ted! Can you publish a broad outline of your finances? I don't understand why you're struggling with your mortgage. In previous writings, you said you don't make as much money as people think you do. Is it going to be the world will appreciate you only after you're gone, and someone else will make all the bucks off your work, dancing on your grave? 'Cause I might tell my descendents to put away the crayons, charcoal and spray paint if it doesn't lead to the Amerikan dream. I hear George W. and Laura Bush might adopt that teenage Somali pirate. But they'll have to fight Madonna in the courts.
