Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cartoon for April 6, 2009

With Obama's various plans, the devil isn't in the details.
There are no details.


  1. He's just making sure his high legislation matches up with the high art of the last few decades.

    Empty and incomprehensible.

    Oh well, at least he can shoot not-so-seekrut moslins in Afganeestan.

  2. It doesn't matter what he says. It only matters that he sounds like he is pontificating while he says it. He has a great deal in common with so-called intellectual elites. Intellectual elites are easily duped, that's why so many of them fall for dictators like Stalin, Chavez, Castro, Hitler, Hồ Chí Minh, Che Guevara. In their mind, these dictators are preferable to Bush or Reagan.

  3. Ha-ha, "Story of O", hilarious!
    And the guru on the second pane looks suspiciously like Ben "Helicopter" Bernanke.
