Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Year of Loving Dangerously, continued

Another page from my upcoming graphic novel, "The Year of Loving Dangerously."


  1. and now we see a prime example of why Gen X hates baby boomers.

  2. I've always said ...

    "The bureaucracy of universities are second only to the bureaucracy of the federal government."

    I'm not surprised at all Ted, not at all.

  3. Really makes you want to do something that just causes this society to unravel, doesn't it?

  4. Loved the prof.'s dorky purple tie...I've taken classes from people that bad, but usually the class is half-empty by the second session. It could be worse; many of the undergrad classes were being taught by professors' T.A.s at Harvard around that time. Allegedly the Harvard French I students spoke the language with Asian accents because the teacher's assistants were all foreign exchange graduate students from Taiwan and Japan...

    - Strelnikov

  5. In a Texas murder trial, the first requirement of the defense attorney is to show that the victim deserved to die.

    Saying "The quality of students at Oxford is much better" should meet that requirement.
